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March 2020                            March 2020

 Invitation Pop In Place AGM Friday 24    WHAT DOES IT REALLY MEAN?
 April 10.30am     CAN YOU HELP?

 Free  Refreshments.  We  will  be  electing  our  new  team
 that  will  take  the  project  forward  to  its  Silver  Jubilee  in   Bere  Regis  primary  school  has  been  on  a  rapid  journey  of
 2021. If you want to be involved in something special and help to build a cohesive   improvement, the school and the governors have been through
 community  and  be  part  of  making  a  real  and  positive  difference,    please  do   a significant period of change over the last two years and we are in a positive
 come along new team members are always welcome.     position where we would like to further strengthen our team.  Being a governor
       can be extremely rewarding, particularly the knowledge you are helping to form
 Equally if you are interested in the Community Shed come forward and we can   the  culture  and  vision  of  the  school,  and  ultimately  making  sure  that  all  the
 get you on our radar.
       children are given the best possible experience by holding the senior leadership
 There will be a short talk from Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance and there will   team to account.  You don’t need to have a child in the school to be a governor,
 also be a short slide show of my day at Buckingham Palace and a chance to see   just a keen interest in improving our local school for all future generations.
 the Medal for anyone who is interested , everyone welcome.
       We are a proactive team that get involved and make a point of understanding
       the school environment, the challenges it faces and supporting it when required.

       Our role involves financial management, questioning and challenging the head
 Can you be a Volunteer
       teacher and senior leaders to ensure every aspect of the provision is at its very
 Pop In Place needs reliable friendly volunteers to serve teas or drive clients and   best.  We are fully supported by the Wessex Multi Academy Trust in our quest to
 welcome visitors.   ensure that Bere Regis has a positive outcome at our next Ofsted inspection.
 Could  you  become  a  volunteer  and  help  to  serve  the  teas  at  our  Monday  or   Ideally,  we  would  like  individuals  with  experience  in  finance  or  book  keeping,
 Friday morning cafes or maybe you could become a driver or talk to the clients?   leadership and management, or safeguarding.  However, beggars can’t always
 These tasks are all done on a rota basis so you don’t have to do it every week.   be  choosers  so  we  would  like  to  hear  from  anyone  that  feels  they  have  some
 Call in and see us and get your name on the rota. We will need to Police check   spare  time,  and  would  like  to  take  an  active  interest  in  school  improvement.
 you if you become a volunteer.   Training  is  provided  and  support  from  experienced  governors  is  a  given.    The
       amount  of  time  commitment  required  varies  dependent  on  the  specific  role
 A big thank you to all who already volunteer with us we appreciate that you are   assigned, and can be discussed and agreed based on your individual skills and
 giving your time to enhance the life of others and it is greatly appreciated.   availability.  The full board meet once per half term for approximately two hours,
       this would be the minimum requirement of time, but ideally you would be able to

       spend some additional time in school conducting learning walks, book looks and
 Movement to Music at the Pop In Place on Monday Mornings
       a variety of other informative activities.
 (Upper Hall )
       Please get in touch if you …
 We are a friendly group meeting Mondays 9.30am for an hour ; it is for anyone      Would like a new challenge
 who wants to take a little more exercise but is not mega fit. The sessions will be led
 by one of our team Julie Lye who has a choreography background and designed      Want to help your local community
 routines especially for this client group with suitable music and movement.       Have some spare time to dedicate to improving outcomes for our children
            Want to be part of a proactive team of dedicated individuals
 We are asking for a £4 fee per person per week.. You are very welcome to visit
 the Pop In Place Community Café after the class for refreshments.       Would like to make a real contribution to our school

 Come along and give it a try, you will be made very welcome.       For  an  informal  chat  about  the  roles  and  what  you  can  do  to  help,  we
             would love to hear from you so please get in touch!!

                    Lucy Roberts (Chair of Governors) 07770733832.

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