Page 63 - BR-March-2018
P. 63

March 2018                            March 2018




       Burns Night
       You think it can’t get any better, but then you find
       that  it  can!  .  .  .  .  .  .  They  say  ‘perfect  planning
       prevents  poor  performance’  and  this  proved
                                      correct  as  we
                                      attempted  to
                                      improve   the
                                      hall   layout
                                      and      the
                                      catering  and
                                      w a i t r e s s i n g
                                      R ai nbar r ow
                                      were  on  top
                                      of  their  game
                                      w   i  t   h
                                      w o n d e r f u l
                                      music    and
                                      w  i  t  t  y
       repartee.  Guests  looked  great  in  all  manner  of
       tartan  with  knees  and  sporrans  all  over  the
       place,  and  we  were  all  there  to  have  a  good
       The  Hall  was  decorated  and  laid  out  to
       perfection by Angie and Kate. The delicious haggis was provided by Brian Balls of
       Puddletown, and the veggies by the lovely Mr Lidl. Peter handled the raffle with
       seasoned expertise, and Roger, aided and abetted by Phil, ran a tight ship on the
       bar.  The  Community  group  cooks  peeled,  baked,  mashed  and  prepared
       approximately  76  three  course  suppers,  and  a  team  of  surprisingly  adept
       waitresses raced about serving and clearing like professionals It was another great
       example of what can be achieved with a bit of team work and enthusiasm.
       Thanks to all of the people who made it such an enjoyable occasion especially to
       Angie  and  Peter  who  sold  the  tickets  and  Jenny  and  Cindy  who  slaved  in  the
       Many people  have been kind enough to contact us with kind words about the

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