Page 62 - BR-March-2018
P. 62

March 2018                                                                          March 2018
       NEW MEMBERS ALWAYS WELCOME AT                                                            AFFPUDDLE CHURCH NEWS

                                                                                           AFFPUDDLE CHURCH ROTAS

       We welcome anyone who is interested in joining our friendly community choir this    Sidesmen, Lesson Readers, Readings, Intercessors and
       term.   We are currently rehearsing songs from shows and films and folk songs with   Chalice
       a couple of sacred pieces to add some variety, in preparation for our summer

       concert on Saturday, 19  May 2018 at Buckland Newton Village Hall.
                                                                                           PLEASE NOTE:  UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE THE SERVICE ON THE FIRST
       The Weatherbury Singers, established in the mid-1990s, rehearse during term times
       in approximately 10 week blocks with a concert at Christmas and in the summer       SUNDAY OF EACH MONTH AT AFFPUDDLE WILL BE AT 11.30AM
       and enjoy singing a wide variety of songs to ensure there will be something for
       everyone to enjoy.  Our members come, not only from Puddletown, but also from       Date         Time      Sidesmen       Readers        Readings
       a  number  of  villages  in  the  locality.      We  do  not  audition  and  are  pleased  to   4  March   11.30am  A Armitage   A Armitage   1 Cor 1: 18-25
       welcome  anyone  who  enjoys  singing,  and  is  keen  to  learn  and  improve  their   3  Sunday          A Grindrod    E Moriarty      John 2: 13-22
       musical skills.   Singing is good for our well-being, so why not come along or bring   of Lent
       a friend or partner and give it a try!
                                                                                           11  March    9.15      P Haigh       Chips Badcock   Eph 2: 1-10
       Rehearsals are on Tuesday evenings from 7:30-9:30pm with a half time tea break
       at the Church Room, Puddletown.  Please call Judy on 01305 260284 to register       4  Sunday              M Cropper     M Cropper       John 3: 14-21
       your interest or for more information or email        of Lent

                                                                                           18  March    8am       R Killer      R Killer        Heb 5: 5-10
                                                                                           5  Sunday              Celebrant     Celebrant       John 12: 20-33
                                                                                           of Lent

                                                                                           25  March    9.15am    Andrea Smith   Allan Smith    Phil 2: 5-11
                                                                                           Palm                   D Payne       M Menzies       Mark 11: 1-11

                                                                                           29  March    7pm       Benefice Eucharist at Affpuddle   Exod 12: 1-4, 11-14

                                                                                           Maundy                 Lesson Readers etc tba        1 Cor 11: 23-26
                                                                                           Thursday                                             John 13: 1-17, 31b-35

                                                                                           30  March    2.30pm    ‘Last Hour at the Foot of the Cross’
                                                                                           Good Friday

                                                                                           1  April     9.15am    A Grindrod    R Prideaux      Acts 10: 34-43
                                                                                           Easter                 R Prideaux    A Grindrod      John 20: 1-18

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