Page 60 - BR-March-2018
P. 60

March 2018                                                                          March 2018

       We started our new programme with our New Year
       Party in our new venue [Bere Regis Sports Club] on
       a new day [3  Wednesday of the month] and we
       are  pleased  to  welcome  three  new  members  to
       our WI.  The party went with a swing, with everyone
       contributing to the buffet. The competition to write a limerick, "There was a young
       lady of WI/Bere Regis/your choice" was entered into enthusiastically – all deserving
       of first prize. Miss Stone provided us with games to round off the evening. Everyone
       agreed the evening to be a success in our 'new home'.
       Pancake day was, unfortunately, a washout and we are sorry we were unable to
       hold our traditional pancake races. A big 'thank you' to those who did brave the
       downpour to show their support.

       Next month [March] we will have a speaker from Cancer Research. If you would
       like to come to this or any of our meetings you will be very welcome.
       If you would like any further information about the WI please call:

       Eileen Salisbury on 01929 472022                    or                  Di Pitts on 01929 471322

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