Page 56 - BR-March-2018
P. 56

March 2018                                                                          March 2018
       NEWS                                                                                                         OBITUARIES

       Online Access to Bere Regis                                                                  Mark Kevin Fendall Newbould
       Surgery Services                                                                    We are here to give thanks for the life of Mark Newbould: father of Mark and
                                                                                           Lars,  grandfather  of  Daniel,  Kingsley  and  Natalie,  father-in-law  of  Hollie  and
       Did you know you could:
                                                                                           Mira, the beloved partner of Heather, and brother and friend to many here.
            Order your prescription online
                                                                                           He was a much loved man. It is a comfort to my brother and myself, and no
            Make appointments online                                                      doubt to many here who knew him, to consider how much – despite a certain
                                                                                           curmudgeonliness  and  the  occasional  mild  cantankerousness  –  he really  was
            See a brief summary of your medical records
       It’s easy! Just bring in one form of identification and we will set you up with a user   He had a splendid sense of humour. Anyone who knew him at all will remember
       password. (Your account will need to be used on a monthly basis)                    laughing  with  him:  certainly  I  have  many  childhood  memories  of  shared
                                                                                           laughter,  and  he  was  not  someone  who  saw  the  funny  side  of  everything
       At present we have about 11% of our patients signed up for this service. Our target
       aim is to achieve 20% and more of our patients registered for this facility.        except himself. I very much remember the slightly sheepish grin when the joke
                                                                                           was on him. It was enough to mention chess boards roasting on an open fire to

                                                                                           bring this about.
       Mobile Phone Numbers
                                                                                           One  odd  thing,  as  a  child,  was  to  notice  that  he  was  christened  Mark,  but
       We  will  be  reminding  patients  of  their  appointments  via  text  message.  Please   frequently  called  George.  When  he  told  me:  “it  was  during  the  reign  of  King
       ensure  we  have  your  correct  mobile  number.  For  your  convenience,  we  have   George, after his coronation”, I said:
       some forms for you to fill in and hand to Reception with your number or updated     “Well, I hope you’re not going to call me Elizabeth”. He burst into laughter.
                                                                                           This  conversation  is  one  of  so  many  that  showed  how  much  he  enjoyed

                                                                                           experiencing the funny side of two growing children. He took a huge interest in
       Carers Meetings                                                                     us,  and  in  the  completely  different  things  which  made  us  tick.  History  and
                                                                                           language and how the world works for me: I remember him putting down his
       Dates for your diary:
                                                                                           newspaper (he had to, I just wouldn’t stop asking questions), to pay attention to
       Tues 17th April                                                                     me, and spending the next two hours trying to explain how money worked, why
       Tues 19th June                                                                      there was inflation and what happened during the South Sea Bubble. And he
                                                                                           gave  the  same  attention  to  my  brother’s  interest  in  art,  and  drawing  in
       Tues 21st August
                                                                                           particular,  something  which  completely  passed  me  by.  He  was  not  a
       Tues 16th October
                                                                                           patronising adult, he genuinely delighted in sharing and acquiring knowledge
       Tues 18th December                                                                  with his children.
       All  meetings  will  be  held  at  the  Scout  Hut,  Bere                           He was a man of very strong passions and skills. Being
       Regis  from    2pm  til  4pm.  Please  check  notice                                rejected by the navy for National Service – because of
       board  in  the  Surgery  Waiting  Room  for  details  of                            his  poor  eyesight  –  was  a  blow.  He  joined  the  Royal
       speaker etc for each session.                                                       Engineers instead – hence The British Grenadiers at the
                                                                                           crematorium – which spoke to another passion of his,

                                                                                           engineering, in which he made his career.
       Neonatal Unit, St Thomas’ Hospital, London
                                                                                           The sea, seafaring, the history of mankind’s life on the
       St Thomas’ Hospital have run out of bonding squares on their Neonatal Intensive     waves  remained  a  life-long  passion.  And  in  an  age

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