Page 54 - BR-March-2018
P. 54

March 2018                                                                          March 2018


                                                                                                    loved the points the cartoons were making, but it took him to explain
                                                                                                    the drawings to me.
                                                                                            I want to share one art related moment with you: In one of those rare moments
                                                                                            when both my brother Mark and I were in Bere Regis together, there was a lock-
                7oz Bulgar wheat                                                           in  at  the  Drax.  This  was  in  those  repressive  times  when  the  pubs  shut  in  the
                                                                                            afternoon. Actually, this might also be a good moment to mention his passion
                1 teaspoon salt                                                            for pubs.
                12oz boiling water
                                                                                            He’d  recently  taken  up  oils,  after  a  lifetime  of  water  colours,  woodcuts  and
           Wash   the   Bulgar   wheat,                                                     etchings.
           drain,  add  salt.    Pour  on
           boiling  water  and  leave  to                                                   Anyway, an afternoon session took place. At one point, struck by inspiration, he
           stand   until   all   water   is                                                 walked down the road to get his paints. He set up an easel across the road and
           absorbed.                                                                        painted the Drax, and it was an extraordinarily good painting. I watched him
                                                                                            do it, occasionally getting him another pint – inspiration needs its fuel - and then

                                                                                            holding the beer for him. In less than an hour he’d painted his best oil painting
           Dressing                                                                         until then.
                2oz olive oil                                                              At which point he packed up his stuff, took the painting inside and sold it to the
                2  tabs  of  chopped                                                       landlord for £100. Which we then drank.
                 mint                                                                       As  for  engineering,  in  which  he  made  a  career:  he  used  to  say:  “I’ve  had  a
                I onion finely chopped or/and  1-2 garlic cloves crushed
                                                                                            career which I have loved”. For many years he was a, if not the, driving force
                2oz lemon juice                                                            between  the  success  of  Hamworthy  Engineering.  Having  met  some  of  the
                6 tabs chopped parsley                                                     people he worked with abroad, and generally being aware of the respect he
                                                                                            was held in, we were not all surprised to find a yellowing cutting from an old
           Mix all ingredients together and pour over the wheat.  Leave covered in          Dorset  Echo,  on  the  big  orders  he  had  brought  in  from  Eastern  Europe.  He
           the fridge overnight and let all the flavours blend.                             made  a  lot  of friends  through  his  work  all  over  the  world,  and  it  was  a  great
                                                                                            privilege to meet some of them, whose tales sometimes completed his own, of
           Choose seasonal salad vegetables.  E.g.  Tomatoes cut small; radish finely       what  they’d  got  up  to  in  Russia  and  Poland,  when  these  countries  were
           sliced, cooked green beans or in the winter chopped celery, nuts, apples
                                                                                            communist,  and  trading  with  them  very  hard  indeed.  He  opened  up  these
           and raisins etc.
                                                                                            markets for Hamworthy.
           Mix  the  wheat  mixture  and  salad  vegetables  together  and  serve  on  a
           bed  of  small  iceberg  lettuce  leaves  or  any  other  green  leaf  salad.    In   He had a lot of friends in Bere Regis, where he finally settled, even if he didn’t –
                                                                                            quite – finish renovating the house he bought 38 years
           winter you could try finely chopped white cabbage for a change.
                                                                                            ago. There were too many over the years to mention
                                                                                            by name, and you know who you are, but one curious
                                                                                            coincidence meant a lot to him. In John Tozer he met
           This is a very versatile salad and easily adapted for winter vegetables.  A      someone  who’d  known  Mark’s  father  in  his,  John’s,
           mixture of celery, nuts and dried fruit would work very well.                    childhood.  My  father  had  never  known  his  father,
                                                                                            Fendall, who’d left before he was born and started a
           Recipe taken from Guernsey WI cook book dated 1991
                                                                                            second family. In his twenties, my father discovered he
                                                                                            had  another  5  siblings,  Elizabeth,  Francis,  Christopher,
                                                                                            Dominic and Paul, and it is a measure of the man that

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