Page 53 - BR-March-2018
P. 53

March 2018                            March 2018

         Paul Martin       07788 185048

    OBITUARIES   Electrics   01929 289323
 he was delighted by this, rather than bearing any rancour towards this
 second family who had the benefit of the father he had never known   Local BH20 electrician,  with over forty years’
 himself.   experience offering:-
 After the collapse of his marriage to our mother, and a romance or two, some   Small load  -  £75  Large load  -  £160
 of which turned into great friendships, he found what can only be described as    Consumer Unit (fuse
 the love of his life in Heather. It was a love story which meant the world to him,   board) Replacement
 something that Marki and I were very much aware of, and inexpressibly happy    Emergency call-out
 about.   Service
          Additions and
 Our father was a very tolerant man, at whose very core was a belief that all   Alterations to Existing
 mankind was born equal, and of equal value, and who accepted people for   Installations
 what they were. At a time when punk used to drive “squares” into apoplexy, I
 could quite easily find him chatting to some creature with pierced cheeks and    Portable Appliance
 a colourful Mohican. Over the years, in bars and pubs, I’ve seen him chatting   Testing
 away  happily  to  clergymen  and  gangsters,  to  warriors  and  pacifists,  to   No VAT – Fully Insured
 academics and street sweepers and everyone in between. They all had equal   Part P Compliant
 value as humans to him.   Free Estimates
         All Work Guaranteed
 Anyone  who  was  sadly  familiar  with  his  impoverished  state  in  his  later  years,
 because  of  the  Equitable  Life  pension  whose  value,  after  a  lifetime  of  his
 contributions, was criminally destroyed and never compensated by the sleazy
 charlatans, of all parties, running this country…well, this could have been very
 In the 80’s when Marki and I were still at school, Hamworthy asked him to work
 in South Africa. It was a job he would have excelled at, he loved travelling and   Framing
 discovering  cultures,  and  he  was  offered  the  best  package  of  his  life.  Pay,
 pension,  school  fees  and  flights  home,  it  was  all  laid  out  for  him.  But  it  was   Picture and framing service
                                                    with a wide selection of
 during the apartheid years, Mandela was still in jail, and he just couldn’t do it.
                                                     mounts and frames.
 It  was  NOT  some  dark  night  of  the  soul,  where  he  had  to  make  a  decision
 balancing  self-interest  with  conscience.  He  was  almost  in  tears  as  he  kept   Open most days but best
 apologising to Marki and myself: “I know we’d have much more money, and in   call first before making a
 many ways you two would have a much better life, but I just can’t bring myself   special trip.
 to work there while that lot are in charge”. He said no.
 The company increased the offer. But the no was final.

 We all have our memories of him. I think we’ll all miss   The Old School House
                                                      Tincleton DT2 8QR
                                                      01305 848909

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