Page 45 - BR-March-2018
P. 45

March 2018                            March 2018


 My  family  and  I  very  much  enjoy  walking  in  the
 countryside in Dorset. It always makes me both sad
 and angry to see the amount of litter by the side of
 the road. I frequently arrive home after walking the
 dog with handfuls of discarded rubbish. It is such a
 blight  on  the  landscape,  and  I  am  pleased  that
 local councils are going to have stronger powers to
 fine people who throw litter from cars.
 Therefore,  I  am  once  again  very  pleased  to  be
 supporting the Great British Spring Clean which is taking place from 2  -4  March,
 the national clean-up campaign led by Keep Britain Tidy. Last year 70,000 wheelie
 bins  of  rubbish  were  collected  over  one  weekend.  Individuals,  groups,  families,
 schools, businesses and clubs can all sign up and make a difference. Register at  and  let’s  clean  up  our  country.  I  know
 there are some very active community groups who help to keep our local areas
 tidy, and I would like to thank them for all their hard work.
 I  know  that  in  Westminster  we  are  keen  to  reduce  the  scourge  of  litter  and
 environmental pollution.  We are working towards plastic-free supermarket aisles,
 and we recently banned microbeads to reduce the amount of plastic going into
 our oceans. I was delighted to hear that local Dorset brewery Hall & Woodhouse
 are  phasing  out  plastic  straws  in  their  pubs,  and  instead  using  biodegradable
 paper  alternatives.  Last  year  I  signed  the  Wimborne  War  on  Waste  pledge  to
 reduce  the  number  of  disposable  cups  that  I  use.    I  also  signed  the  pledge  in
 Westminster.  As a result, I have requisitioned my wife’s sparkly reusable cup, much
 to her dismay. There are an increasing number of outlets that offer a discount if
 you bring your own cup, or allow you to fill a reusable water bottle for free.


 Michael Tomlinson MP   
 holds regular surgeries
 in the constituency.  For     01202 624216
 details of forthcoming
 surgeries or to make an   
 appointment, please   @Michael4MDNP
 contact his office.

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