Page 13 - BR-March-2018
P. 13

March 2018                            March 2018
 event, we thought we might have another one next year, but unfortunately, the
        Bere Regis Junior Church
 band will be unavailable. We’re devastated!!

 Artsreach 9  March
 AGENT OF INFLUENCE, The Secret Life of Pamela More.

 Lady Pamela, fashion columnist and socialite, is recruited by MI5 to keep notes on
 Wallis  Simpson  and  Edward  VIII,  is  suspected  to  be  colluding  with  the  German
 Embassy. Pamela suddenly realises that what began as an adventure has led to
 a deadly struggle for power in a world in the shadow of war. The character of
 Lady  Pamela  More  from  Sigals    ‘World  Enough  and  Time’  (Park  Theatre  2014)
 emerges with her own show.

 7.30 pm Tickets £9.00/£6.00 (u18s) on door if available or in advance from Jenny   Mothering
 Beedle 01929 471002  BAR  available.

 Village Lunch   Sunday
 We  have  been  inspected  by  Mr  Nick  Park  again  this  year  and  once  more
 awarded  a  score  of  five  for  our  hygiene  rating.  For  this  we  are  questioned  on
 procedures and records, equipment is inspected and even our rooms and toilets   The Turning Water into
 are  given  a  once  over.  The  Hall  Committee  itself  is  aware  that  a  good  and   Wine Miracle
 efficient cleaner is essential to keep standards up, and that users must leave the
 place as they found it.

 We had a very pleasant lunch at the beginning of February, smaller than the Lets
 lunch crowd but more intimate and like a (large) family lunch. On March 8  we
 will provide a beef, veg and tomato soup followed by fruit sponge and custard.
 As usual look out in the shop for the list or phone Jenny on 01929 471408 to book
 your place.

 The January winner of the £30 prize was ticket no: 99.


 We have had a few requests for a gentle yoga class at the hall, and having seen
 a report that Tai Chi helps to fend off dementia we are going to look into a class
 for the hall. As a bit of market research, could anyone who might be interested in
 either of the activities speak to a member of our committee. We’d like to know if
 people would favour daytime or evening classes, or if indeed people would be
 interested at all. If you want to express a view you can generally find a member
 of the hall committee at the Saturday Morning Coffee Shop.

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