Page 10 - BR-March-2018
P. 10

March 2018                                                                          March 2018
                                                                                           AFFPUDDLE & TURNERSPUDDLE PARISH


                                                                                           Purbeck Local Plan Consultation – New homes for Purbeck

                                                                                           Purbeck and Crossways residents are being urged to complete their New Homes
                                                                                           for Purbeck questionnaire before the deadline of 12  March.  There are a number
                                                                                           of drop-in events locally which seek to explain the proposals:

                                                                                              Saturday 24 February   10am to 4pm          D’uberville Centre, Wool
                                                                                             Saturday 3 March      10am to 4pm            Scout Hut, Bere Regis

                                                                                             Saturday 10 March     10am to 4pm            Moreton Village Hall
                                                                                           In  addition  to  these  events,  PDC  has  arranged  an  infrastructure  drop-in  event
                                                                                           which  will  take  place  from  2pm  to  5pm  on  Thursday  1  March  in  the  Council
                                                                                           Chamber  at  Westport  House,  Wareham.  This  event  will  offer  an  opportunity  for
                                                                                           residents to speak with representatives from infrastructure providers such as Dorset
                                                                                           County Council and the NHS about how the proposals for new homes are likely to
                                                                                           impact local infrastructure provisions.
                                                                                           The Parish Council will be considering its response to the Local Plan Consultation
                                                                                           at  its  March  meeting.    (The  Council  has  an  extension  to  the  deadline  of  12
                                                                                           March). Parishioners are invited to share their views with Councillors in the public
                                                                                           participation  section  of  the  meeting,  which  will  start  at  7pm  in  Briantspuddle
                                                                                           Village Hall.
                                                                                           If you would like further information or help to complete the questionnaire, please
                                                                                           contact  Public  Perspectives  on  freephone  0800  533  5386  or  email
                                                                                   Further information on the consultation can
                                                                                           also  be  found  on  the  website

                                                                                           Briantspuddle War Memorial - Cleaning

                                                                                           The  Parish  Council  has  been  approached  by  a  number  of  residents  requesting
                                                                                           that the memorial is cleaned.  Councillors supported these requests and obtained
                                                                                           listed building permission to carry out the necessary work.  However, the relatively
                                                                                           high cost  of  the cleaning meant  that  a  grant  from  the  War  Memorial  Trust  was
                                                                                           necessary to undertake the project.  Unfortunately the Trust is not in a position to
                                                                                           fund the cleaning of the whole Memorial and as such the grant application will
                                                                                           necessarily limit the work to the panels on which the names of those who fell are

                                                                                           Affpuddle and Turnerspuddle website:

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