Page 11 - BR-March-2018
P. 11

March 2018                            March 2018

 Congratulations to all our volunteers, once again we have passed our Hygiene
 check with flying colours, achieving the top score of 5.

 Coffee Shop

 Don’t forget the Coffee Shop will be closed on Saturday 3  March as the Bladen
 Social  Club  will  be  hosting  a  coffee  morning  in  order  to  raise  money  for  the
 Cancer  Centre  at  Dorchester  Hospital.  Regular  visitors  to  the  Coffee  Shop  will
 have noticed that we have a new young volunteer called Jasmine. She has been
 assisting  Cindi  with  the  bacon  butties  and  is  a  dab  hand  at  the  washing  up.
 Another  young  lady  called  Lottie  also  comes  to
    play the piano, giving us the chance to hear some
 great music.

 Lets Lunch

 This  month  we  will  be  purchasing  two  pressure
 cookers and a hand beater. At the present time we
 have  been  using  equipment  borrowed  from
 volunteers  but  these  items  haves  proved  to  be  so
 useful that we have decided to buy our own.


 Our last talk in the series will be on the Thursday 15  March when Lyn Pullen will be
 coming along to talk to us about Butterflies and Butterfly Conservation. Topics she
 will cover are: questions everybody asks about butterflies and moths; hints on how
 to identify butterflies; species which are
 special  to  Dorset;  and  what  you  can
 do to help butterflies and moths.

 Doors  open  at  7pm  for  refreshments,
 the talk will start at 7.30pm. Tickets are
 £3  and  are  available  now  from  the
 Briantspuddle  Saturday  Coffee  Shop
 between 10am and 12 noon, or phone
 0 1 9 2 9    4 7 2 4 8 3    o r
 Angie Talbot

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