Page 12 - BR-March-2018
P. 12

March 2018                                                                          March 2018

        JUNIOR                    “Why don’t you come and join us at the                   I am sorry to report that as I suspected in the last parish  mag,  we have lost our

        CHURCH                     Family Service on the second Sunday                     booking secretary. Sue was a great asset and we will miss her a great deal.
        NEWS                           of every month at 11.00 am”                         After  my previous plea we have not been knocked down in the rush  of people
                                                                                           volunteering  to  try  the  post  of  booking  secretary  so  you  may  find  a  press  gang
                                                                                           coming up your garden path to drag you away kicking and screaming. Watch out
                                                                                           or give me a ring!!
                                 On February 11 , the Junior Church learnt that Lent

                                 was  fast  approaching  and  in  the  hour  before  the
                                 service  heard  about  the  many  times  that  40
                                 appears  in  the  Bible  (later  we  found  out  it  is  146   BRIANTSPUDDLE SINGERS COMMUNITY
                                 times!). For the forty days of Lent, the significance is   CAROL EVENING
                                 the time spent by Jesus in the wilderness before he
                                 set out on his ministry. The children burnt some palm
                                 crosses  from  last  year  in  preparation  for  Ash       A  very  successful  Carol  Evening  took  place  in  Briantspuddle  Village  Hall  on
                                 Wednesday, the beginning of Lent and these were            December  19   (apologies  for  the  somewhat  tardy  report),  led  by  the
                                 used  at  the  service  three  days  later  in  Affpuddle.   Briantspuddle  Singers,  who  were  conducted  by  Dr  Richard  Hall  and
                                 They also made some pancakes, and even had a               accompanied by David Bruce-Payne. A mixture of traditional carols for all, along
                                 pancake  race,  and  this  was  to  tell  them  about      with  more  unusual  ones  from  the  choir,  plus  amusing  readings  from  choir
                                 Shrove  Tuesday  the  day  before  Lent.    They  learnt   members  made  for  a  varied  and  enjoyable  evening.  Many  thanks  to  the
                                 about  the  Temptations  of  Jesus  and  considered        Briantspuddle Community Group who provided seasonal refreshments during the
                                 what  their  own  temptations  would  be  and  even        interval.
       more importantly each made their own promise of how to try to keep Lent.
                                                                                            A collection was taken which raised just under £200 for “Riding for the Disabled”
       The  Family  Service  began  with  the  Puppets  giving  us  ‘I  Turn  to  God’....very   at Milton Abbas.
       appropriately to help us think about Lent. Then came the traditional hymn, Forty
       days and forty nights. After the time of saying sorry, we joined in the slightly manic                             Andrea Smith (Secretary, Briantspuddle Singers)
       but very enjoyable song Heads and Shoulders.

       Rev Charles then read from the Bible the story of the two men who went to the
       temple to pray in which Jesus explains that true humility and recognising our faults
       is far better than thinking how wonderful we are.  We then heard from Michelle
       about what the children had been doing before the service and I have no doubt
       that we all learnt something new about Lent. Charles then showed what some
       people  often  give  up  for  Lent  but  explained  doing  something  positive  was  an
       even  better  way  of  keeping  these  forty  days.  It  would  be  good  to  try  to  help
       people,  spend  a  short  time  in  prayer,  even  using  the  booklet  given  by  the
       Diocese and whatever we do, to do it with love.
       After  the  affirmation  of  our  faith,  we  sang  the  hymn  Lord  of  the  Dance  and
       following  a  short  time  of  prayer,  sang  I  the  Lord  of  sea  and  sky.  The  Puppets
       provided us with I want to know what God is to end our service.
       Next  month it will be Mothering Sunday and we do hope that you will want to
       come and join us for this very special occasion – in the School Hall, of course! A
       real occasion for each of us to celebrate our mother’s love!

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