Page 16 - br-june-2022
P. 16

June 2022                             June 2022


 LOTTERY FUNDING    (These words  are  written by  Mike  &  Hilda  Menzies,  close  friends of
                 Jenny  &  George.  We  include  some  words  from  Jenny’s  sister,
 Carer  Support  Dorset,  who  support   George recounted that he met Jenny in unusual circumstances in Sydney in
 unpaid  carers  across  the  Dorset   Australia.  George  was  on  his  knees,  attending  to  a  photocopier.  Then,
 Council  area,  is  celebrating  today   blocking  his  vision,  a  pair  of  lady’s  legs  came  into  view.  This  distracted
 after  being  awarded  £9,600  in   George from his work. This sort of opportunity doesn’t present too often. It was
 funding  from  The  National  Lottery   quite  convenient  that  George  was  already  on  his  knees,  being  the
 Community Fund, the largest funder   appropriate  position  for  a  proposal  of  marriage.  -  Jenny  &  George  were
 of community activity in the UK.    married.
 Carer  Support  Dorset  will  use  their   On return to Dorset, Jenny landed a job in Police HQ which she held for many
 funding  to  run  a  series  of  arts   years. If you have got a little misdemeanour on your record, it may well be
 workshops  across  the  county  during   Jenny that put it there!
 Carers Week (6-12 June).
 This new National Lottery funding will   Jenny & George occasionally visited Jenny’s family in Huntingdon and stayed
 allow  Carer  Support  Dorset  to  work   with sister  Christine.  One of  a large family, Christine remarks  how  the  family
 with  The  Arts  Development   Picture: Tracy Rowland (L) and Anna Elston (R),    were spread out in age as well as by geographical continents, three of the
 Company to run eight arts workshops   Carer Support Dorset.    eldest John, Ken, & Jenny, being separated in their youth.
 with  different  artists  for  Dorset’s   We  met Jenny & George in  Affpuddle Church. My wife Hilda and became
 unpaid carers across the week.     good friends. So we set up a regular Friday evening supper – toasties to begin
 The workshops will run at the following venues:    with,  but  then  full  dinner  as  our  30  year  friendship  developed.  I  recall  one
 Monday 6 June    evening  which  was  scheduled  as  a  BBQ  at  Jenny  &  George’s.  Hilda  and  I
         were a bit late. Jenny had already poured herself a glass of plonc as the BBQ
 Winterborne Whitechurch Village Hall:     was  warming  up.  However,  when  we  arrived,  with  a  rather  fine  red  wine,
 10am-12noon: Play with Clay Workshop.    Jenny  was  enticed  and  tossed  her  plonc  over  her  shoulder,  presenting  the
 2pm-4pm: Cloudscape Workshop.    empty glass to our bottle. However, she had not noticed the slumbering Sam
         behind  her  bench.  It’s  not  so  much  the  flavour  or  quality  but  the  surprise
 Dorset Carers Hub, 28 South Street, Dorchester:    which gives a problem. Golden Retrievers are not renowned for vintners’ skills.
 10am-12noon: Puppet Workshop.    After George had died and Jenny became more frail, she was able to take
 2pm-4pm: Music Making Workshop.    her next Golden Retriever into Casterbridge Manor where Jenny mixed with
 Wednesday 8 June    many similar folk and was looked after by a caring
         staff till well into her 80s.
 Gillingham Library:
 10am-12noon and 1pm-3pm: Introduction to Lino Printmaking Workshops.    I ask you all to join with me in prayer, rather than
         saying farewell, but to bid Jenny fond reunification
         with  George  in  both  mortal  remains  and  spiritual
 Friday 10 June    heaven.
 The Beacon Room, St Mary’s Church, Ferndown:
 11am-1pm: Movement and Dance Workshop.
 2-4pm: Singing Workshop.

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