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June 2022                                                                           June 2022

               OTHER CHURCHES NEWS                                                         BRIANTSPUDDLE VILLAGE

       BERE REGIS CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH                                                    SHOP  - OUR VILLAGE SHOP

                                                                                           Welcome to June and all things Jubilee celebration.
       Sundays 10.30am  Morning Service, Taken by visiting preachers, or our full          The shop is thrilled to have been able to support the
       time Youth Worker,  John Williams.                                                  selling  of  the  parish  jubilee  mug.  If  you  haven’t  got
                                                                                           yours  yet  we  will  be  selling  until  “limited”  stocks  are
        Our services also go out live on YouTube                                           gone.  At £10 each these are a unique memento of
                                                                                           this unique jubilee celebration.
       Mondays at 7pm  STS (Search the Scriptures) Youth meeting, via zoom.

       Tuesdays at 7.30pm  Bible Study and Prayer, meeting on zoom.

       Wednesdays  at  9.30am  Chapel  Toddler  Group,    contact  Suzie  on
       0796214255                                                                                                                         In  May  we  held  our  Annual
                                                                                                                                          General  Meeting  and  were
       As a nation the main thing on our minds at the beginning of this month of June is                                                  pleased  to  welcome  30
       the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations!  It is 70 years since she acceded to the                                                members of the community
       throne, on the death of her father King George VI.  What a life of service she has                                                 who came along to express
       given to this country and the Commonwealth.                                                                                        their  support.  We  heard
       On her 21  birthday she made that memorable commitment                                                                             about  the  last  couple  of
                                                                                                                                          years and how the shop has
        “I declare before you all that my                                                                                                 played   a   key   role   in
       whole  life,  whether  it  be  long  or                                             supporting our community through the challenging time that was covid. We also
       short, shall be dedicated to your                                                   shared  some  interesting  facts  about  the  sales  in  the shops  –  do  you  know  how
       service”.                                                                           many avocado or aubergines we sold last year?*
       The Queen has certainly lived up                                                    Chips decided it was time to stand down from the committee. She has made a
       to  that  promise  she  made  so                                                    huge contribution to the shop and continues as postmistress. We did express our
       many  years  ago.    I’m  sure  she                                                 thanks  and appreciation for  her guidance  and wisdom  over  the  years.  And  so,
       had  no  idea  just  what  it  would                                                the Election of the committee for the coming year saw Ali Chorley, Peter Head,
       involve,  and  how  costly  it  would                                               Lesley Wilcox, Cindy Read, Richard Killer, Chris Miller and Megan Harvey joined by
       be at times. It has been very hard                                                  Jo Neudegg who has recently moved into the village. We’re looking forward to
       work  and  many  pitfalls  to                                                       discussing  both  the  practical  day  to  day  decision  making  required  to  run  the
       negotiate,  yet  she  never  seems                                                  operation but also to start thinking about the future and what that might look like.
       to  put  a  foot  wrong.    If  only  other  members  of  her  family  had  followed  her
       example.                                                                            During  the  meeting  Leonora  shared  an  update  on  the  response  to  the  Ukraine
                                                                                           project that Bridget, our fruit and veg supplier had received. She was thrilled with
       As we are a multi-cultural country, the Queen has a difficult balancing act to be   the items and monies we had donated.
       relevant  to  the  many  different  nationalities  and  religions  that  are  part  of  our
       society.    However,  in  recent  years  it  has  been  noticeable,  especially  in  her   After the formal element to the evening, we enjoyed a fantastic buffet which had
       Christmas broadcast, that she has made specific reference to her Christian faith,   been put together from produce you can buy in the shop. Some great meats and
       and the important part it plays in her life.  It is clear that her strong, personal faith in   cheeses  (a few new flavours to try) and an amazing array of fruit. Lot’s of chat
       God, and her relationship with Him, has given her the strength to cope with all the   and an opportunity to see each other when we’re not busily handing over in the
       ups and downs that have come her way, especially in these more recent years.        shop.

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