Page 14 - br-june-2022
P. 14

June 2022                             June 2022

 NEWS                           OBITUARIES

                 Jennifer Joan Silavs   1939 - 2022

 COUNCIL   (These  words  are  taken  from  a  letter  from  Jenny’s  twin  brother  who  was
         unable to make the long journey from Australia to attend the funeral.)

 Councillors   Jenny  and  twin  brother  John  were  born  at  Banks  End,  Wyton,  in
         Huntingdonshire,  at  the  start  of  the  second  world  war.  In  1942  brother  Ken
 At  the May  meeting  Sue  Jones was  elected  as  chairman  and  Charles Barter  as   was  born,  making  five  children.  Father  Jim  was  drafted  into  the  Army  as  a
 vice chairman, for the coming year.   driver, and so the youngest three children were place into care. There were
         several moves, then, at the age of 11, Jenny was asked if she would like to go
 Councillors  were  also  nominated  to  lead  on  specific  areas,  that  support  the   to Australia with her twin brother John and younger brother Ken. So, in 1951
 community needs.
         they were loaded onto a ship and sent to Australia.
 Flood Warden. Cllr Graham Lightfoot
         Jenny  was  housed  in  a  girls  home  70  miles  away  from  her  brothers.  Three
 Right of way Liaison. Cllr Graham Lightfoot. Cllr Emily Hall to assist.   years later they were all brought together, in separate houses, but together
 Highways Liaison. Cllr Charles Barter
         Jenny  was  an  avid  reader  and  she  loved  schoolwork.  She  did  very  well  in
 Planning Liaison. Cllr David Neudegg   primary  school  and  was  sent  to  a  high  school  to  complete  her  higher
         education. She did well and at the completion of her schooling found work in
         a bank.
 Community Matters   She was given a full set of clothing, a room in a boarding house, and a phone
 During  this  month’s  parish  meeting  and  following  on  from  previous  discussions   number  and  address  of  the  organisation  who  had  cared  for  her  if  she
 about overhanging trees in The Hollow it was agreed that more exploration was   needed help or advice.
 needed  to  understand  which  trees  are  owned  by  landowners  and  those   She  was  on  her  own  at  15,  but  then  met  George.  They  were  married  in  St
 belonging  to  the  Dorset  Council.    The  findings  will  be  discussed  at  the  June   Andrews cathedral, next to Sydney town hall.
         George  &  Jenny  didn’t  have  any  children.  Jenny  turned  to  her  books  and
         buried herself in English history. She loved everything about England.
 Future Meetings   And  so,  in  1979,  She  and  her  husband  George
 Thank you for those who attended the meeting on 11  May. The Next meeting will   moved  to  Reading  in  England.  Then  they
 be  held  on  Wednesday  15   June  2022  at  the  village  hall  7pm.    This  is  a  public   purchased a large barn near Wool and embarked
 meeting and there is time given over to public participation from 7pm.   on  renovation.  They  spent  two  years  living  in  a
         caravan while carrying out renovations. Before fully
 Chair   completed  they  moved  into  a  large  cottage,
         Apple Tree Cottage, for a while. Next, they moved
 Sue Jones   to Cobb Cottage in Briantspuddle and Jenny got a
         job in the Dorset police HQ.

 Affpuddle and Turnerspuddle website:

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