Page 15 - br-june-2022
P. 15

June 2022                                                                           June 2022

                                                                                            In addition to this, carers will be able to help decorate venues for Carers Week by
                                OBITUARIES                                                  receiving free bunting packs made by The Wayward Adventurers Guild.
                                                                                            Spaces for each workshop are limited to unpaid carers; to book your free place,
                 Jenny adored living in Briantspuddle. In the back garden of Jenny’s        please  contact  0800  368  8349  or  email
                 house in  Briantspuddle,  there  were three  sheds choc a block  with
         books. One or two of them were quite rare.
                                                                                            National Lottery players raise over £30 million a week for good causes across the
         In  2012  Jenny  lost  husband  George.  Feeling  somewhat  lonely,  Jenny         UK. The National Lottery Community Fund distributes a share of this to projects to
         considered returning to Australia. However, her dog Jasper, and the people         support people and communities to prosper and thrive.
         of the village, and the complexity of returning to Australia, persuaded her to     Anna  Elston,  Dorset  Services  Manager,  Carer  Support  Dorset,  said:  “Thanks  to
         stay  in  England.  Jenny  was  even  able  to  take  her  dog  with  her  when  she   National  Lottery  players,  this  grant  means  that  we  can  give  something  back  to
         retired to Casterbridge Manor for her last few years.                              unpaid  carers  across  Dorset.  They  work  tirelessly  to  look  after  their  loved  ones,
         Rest  in  peace  dearest  Jenny.  Know  that  there  are  many  people  who  will   often with little or no reward. By running these workshops, we hope to help reduce
         never forget you.                                                                  the isolation that carers can face as well as giving carers the opportunity to learn
                                                                                            new skills.”
                                                                                            During  the  pandemic,  in  2020  alone,  The  National  Lottery  Community  Fund

         (These words are written by Angela Zeibots, Jenny’s friend for many years.)        distributed almost £1 billion to charities and community organisations across the
         We first met Jenny & George in Australia when my daughter Tracy was two
         years old, in 1967, and again in 1972.                                              To find out more visit

         When  Jenny  &  George  decided  to  come  to  England,  they  lived  with  my
         husband Bill and me in our home in Camberley, Surrey. Bill was a very good
         friend of George’s in Latvia before they moved to Australia.                         When you respond to advertisers, do please tell them you saw
         Having come back from Australia, but before settling in England, Jenny and              their advert in this magazine  -  it helps them monitor the
         George  decided  to  travel  to  Europe.  On  their  return  they  bought  some
         property in Dorset. Their final property was Cobb Cottage in Briantspuddle.             effectiveness of their advert and helps us generate more

         Tracey and I used to visit Dorset at least twice a year for a long weekend in
         Cobb Cottage and had a lovely time. I asked Jenny that all we would want
         was a lovely log fire, a bowl of home made soup, and a glass of red wine. On
         the  Sunday  we  always  had  a  lovely  roast  dinner.  Jenny  was  a  very  good
         cook. Her roast potatoes were to die for.
         We had lovely memories with our dear friends Jenny & George.

         When  George  died  Jenny  found  life  very  difficult.
         She  missed  him  so very  much. He  was  her life  and
         she found it difficult carrying on without him.
         Jenny, you are our dearest friend and will be greatly
         missed.  You  will  always be  cherished in  our  hearts.
         God bless you.

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