Page 41 - BR June 2024 with duck - converted
P. 41

June  2024                            June 2024

    we  saved  and  sailed  1  from  Liverpool  to   CAN COOK, WANT TO COOK, WILLING TO
 Quebec  City,  where  Jean’s  uncle  met  us.
 We  had  seen  an  iceberg  at  close  quarters   GIVE IT A GO?
 on  the  way,  at  the  entrance  to  the  St
 Lawrence  River  –  a  first  and  not  to  be   As it has every month for the past 10 years, Salt and Pepper cooked and served a
 repeated experience!      3-course  lunch  to  50  people  on  Thursday  16   April.  Lunchers  and  helpers  alike
       enjoyed a friendly gathering, a good lunch and plenty of chat.
 Soon after our arrival, 2 Jean’s aunt took us
 to the local tennis club 3 so that we would   Our  cooking  team  is  a  bit  short
 start  making  friends.  As  we  knew  no-one      handed,  and  would  love  to
 other than Jean’s relatives, that was a very   welcome anyone who is prepared
 good  idea.    We  were  also  job-hunting.   to help out. You don’t need to be
 Once  we  had  decided  that  we  were        a Michelin starred chef, or to have
 Canada-bound and started to save for the      appeared  on  Master  Chef.  If  you
                                               enjoy home cooking, are prepared
 fare, I took a secretarial course, specialising   to get involved, and like working in
 in medical terminology, as I wanted to work   a  team  please  get  in  touch  and
 in some  sort  of  medical  environment. I was   see if you might be able to offer us
 lucky to be quickly offered a job working for an Ear, Nose & Throat Surgeon and   a hand.
 had  decided  to  apply  to  do  a  Degree  in  English  Literature  at  the  University  of
 Toronto, too.                                        Ian Ventham, 007836643210
 Jean and I then found an apartment and our lives became busier, particularly as it
 began to include boyfriends! I visited Ontario’s lake district, called Muskoka, which
 has about 1,600 small lakes. One of my boyfriends had a sea plane and he flew
 me  to  his  family’s  cottage  in  Muskoka  on  several  occasions  which  was  a
 wonderful, new experience! I also visited the many seasonal faces of Niagara Falls,
 Ottawa  and  Montreal  and
 particularly   enjoyed   the
 bilingual aspect of the latter. By
 then,  I  had  started  my  Degree
 as  well  as  doing  evening
 courses   in   journalism   and
 interior  design,  and  had  met
 many members of the medical
 profession. This led to my being
 asked to write the history of the
 Hospital  for  Sick  Children’s
 (HSC)  School  of  Nursing.  4  This
 was  to  accompany  the  first
 research  project  of  its  kind,
 looking  at  the  possibility  of
 moving  nursing  education  from  hospitals  to  educational  institutions.  The  project
 needed  to  be  handled  sensitively  as  several  of  the  HSC’s  Board  Members  had
 children and grandchildren who had graduated in nursing from the hospital.
 While doing my Degree and writing the HSC history, I had a particularly interesting
 experience.  Having  been  asked  to  help  with  research  into  epilepsy,  I  was  then

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