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June 2021

         did actually manage to officiate at one at Affpuddle and although small, it was a
         really  joyous family  occasion.  We  have  a lot  of the postponed  2020 weddings
         planned for this year, let’s hope and pray that restrictions will be lifted enough for
         them to have the day they really want.  We have a wedding to look forward to in
         the family in 2022.  Our youngest daughter, Lucy, got engaged to her beau Sam
         just before  Christmas.  It  was  so  romantic,  a candlelight  proposal at  Heaven’s
         Gate overlooking  Longleat, that  they’ve  won a  competition!  It’s  a while  away
         yet,  but there’s  still lots of  planning going on,  we  haven’t  quite  got  to the ‘glad
         when it’s all over’ stage though.
         I know we’ll all be glad when we’re sure that the worst of the pandemic is over.
         There is worrying news of another new variant and what that might do to the lifting
         of restrictions and I suppose we need to be prepared for this to keep happening.
         At least with the vaccines we have better protection this coming winter.

         We were thinking only today in our church services of how Jesus prayed to God to
         protect  his disciples and  those  who  followed them  when he  would  no  longer be
         with them.  Not a ‘keep them safe from harm’ protection, none of us can be kept
         out of danger and free from all difficulty or inconvenience.  But a ‘be with them in
         all that  they do’ to help us  have the strength to  endure  hard  times.  No  one is
         excluded from this protection if we ask for God’s help.  It is good news for all of us
         that  Jesus  prays for us,  enabling us to  face  whatever dangers or  even those
         inconveniences we may encounter along life’s path.
         With blessings


         Parish and Benefice News

         I’m pleased to say that the advert for Incumbent went out in May with shortlisting
         later  this month  and  hopefully  interviews in July,  please continue  to hold  the
         Benefice and this process in your prayers as we seek the right person to lead us.

         Lay Worship Leaders
         Congratulations to Sarah Welton,  Pat Wharf  and  Peter  Wharf  from  Bere Regis
         Parish and Mike Menzies from Affpuddle Parish who have all completed their Lay
         Worship Leader  training  and  have now  been  commissioned  by  the  Bishop  of
         Sherborne.  As well as  leading some non-eucharistic services  in  church  they  will
         also be looking at ways to take ‘church’ into the community.

         Messy Church
         Our  monthly  sessions  online  have proved  very popular,  we have  been filling and
         delivering about 30 craft bags each month to families in Bere Regis, Wool, Winfrith,

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