Page 42 - br-june-2021
P. 42

June 2021


          Dorset County Council Trading Standards Service check and
          approve businesses so you don’t have to.
          For more information visit or
          call 08454 040506.
          To report or seek advice about problems you have
          experienced when dealing with a trader call 08454 040506.

         Helping you to recognise a scam
         Scams  can affect us  all,  but  certain types of  scams  are more likely  to  target
         people by  age.  If you recognise  your age group,  then you  may  recognise  a
         ‘Young people’ aged 18 to 24 don’t represent the largest group of people falling
         victim  to  scams,  but numbers of  scam  victims in  this group is rising.  In particular,
         young  people  are a growing  proportion of  victims  of  online  and  identity  fraud.
         Having  grown up  with technology  they  are often  confident in  their  ability when
         using  the  internet.  This can  lead  to them  feeling that  they  are unlikely to fall for
         internet scams, making them complacent and increasingly vulnerable. Research
         shows that over half of young people are unlikely to report scams.

         ‘Life established’ people in their 40s to 60s are the group most affected by scams.
         Part  of  this is  due to the fact that  they  are most  likely  to report  scams,  but also
         because certain demographics   within  this  group are targeted  due  to their
         circumstances. For example, this group tends to be more settled and has access
         to financial assets. This
         makes   them   more
         likely  to be targets of
         scams,    such    as
         p e n s i o n  sc a ms ,
         dating  scams   and
         property scams.
         ‘Older people’,  over
         70s,    are   often
         t a r g e t e d  b y
         scammers.   Research
         has found  that  75 is
         the average  age of
         reported scam victims
         and   those  over  70
         suffer  the  highest
         detriment.    Older

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