Page 14 - br-june-2020
P. 14

June 2020                                                                           June 2020
                                                                                           who has an issue to raise or would like to submit a comment about an agenda
                                OBITUARIES                                                 item can contact the Parish Clerk at or by calling 01305
                                                                                           849596 if they prefer.
                 After  more  than  two  years  in  the  field,  the  caravan  was  bedded   The next meeting of the Parish Council will take place at 7pm on Wednesday the
                 down in the mud, and the Opel couldn't shift it. The farmer brought       10th  June.  Please  check  the  Parish  Council  section  of  the  Community
         his  pre-war  tractor,  and  attached  it  to  the  front  of  the  car,  but  still  nothing   Website  nearer the time for the agenda and information about how to join the
         moved. Then the farmer played his trump card, and brought his cart horse,         meeting.
         which  was  attached  to  the  front  of  the  tractor.  This  worked  well,  and  the
         strange procession lumbered across the field into the lane, where  the horse                                                           Sue Jones, Chairman
         and tractor were able to leave the Opel and caravan to start their journey to
                                                                                            Affpuddle & Turnerspuddle Parish Council – Contact Details
         For  the  next  two  years  Geoffrey  was  attached  to  the  Junior  Leaders'
         Regiment,  Royal  Artillery,  near  Nuneaton,  and  the  family  had  a  quarter,   Parish Councillor/   Email Address                       Telephone
         where  Christopher  was  born  at  a  time  when  Geoffrey  was  on  exercise  in   Clerk                                                    number
                                                                                            Anna Bendall – Parish
         There  followed  more  than  three  years  back  at  Larkhill.  During  the  very  bad   Clerk         m
         winter  of  1962/3.  with  twelve  foot  snowdrifts  between  Larkhill  and  Tidworth
                                                                                            Sue Jones - Chairman        01929 471375
         Hospital,  Elizabeth  made  her  arrival.  Joan  had  been  taken  into  hospital  in
         advance, and there was no way Geoffrey could get to the birth!                     Charles Barter – Vice   01929 463663
         The next posting was back to Germany, after a six month wait for quarters,
         which  Joan  and  the  children  spent  with  her  parents  in  Parkstone.  The  day   Lizzie Guinn               01305 848916
         after they eventually moved to Germany, Geoffrey was sent to the Arctic, on        Graham Lightfoot        01929 471498
         exercise with the Norwegian army for a month!
                                                                                            Sarah Lowman               01929 472702
         Three years' later, Geoffrey was posted to Bovington, and it was then that he
         and  Joan  decided  to  buy  a  house.  They  had  always  planned  to  retire  to   Stuart Chorley                  01929 472869
         Dorset,  and  Tower  House,  Bere  Regis,  was  the  perfect  family  home.  Lucy
         joined them nearly a year later, and when Geoffrey was posted to the Ministry      Trevor Poole            01929 471496
         of Defence in London for his last two years of military service, he commuted
         weekly, while the rest of the family stayed in Bere Regis.
                                                                                           PARISH RESPONSE TEAM
         In 1974 Geoffrey attended West Dean College for a year's course in antique
         clock  restoration  ,  again  commuting  weekly.    He  set  up  his  own  business,
         making  clock  wheels  and  pinions  for  other  antique  clock  restorers,  posting   Turnerspuddle with Affpuddle  COVID-19 Response Group.
         them  to  customers  from  Buckingham  Palace  to  Timbuktu.  Occasionally
         customers arrived  on the  doorstep from Australia or                             The  group  has  continued  to  support  parish  residents  who  are  shielding  or  self-
         South Africa,                                                                     isolating due to Covid19. We help with shopping and prescription deliveries but
                                                                                           also by making telephone calls to residents to help to reduce feelings of loneliness
         Christopher joined him for eleven years till he moved                             and isolation.
         to Devon, and together they worked on tower clocks,
         including converting the Bere Regis clock to electric                             As part of our response the group held our ‘together but apart’ VE day cream tea
         winding.  When  that  struck  137  times  about  2'00am                           event and we are collecting residents' memories and memorabilia relating to VE
         one  night,  Geoffrey  ran  down  to  the  church,  to                            day to create a scrapbook that will be on display once the restrictions are lifted.
         restore the peace.                                                                Many   of   the   memories   are   already   on   the   Community   website.

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