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June 2018                             June 2018
 Flowers and Cleaning Rota
 Date:   Flowers:   Cleaning:
 2 June     Susan Wood      Susan Wood
        Last month was our Annual Meeting but before our
 9 June     Christine Ralls      Christine Ralls   usual  lively  discussions  we  were  treated  to  our
        annual visit by the Explorer Scouts. They gave us a
 16 June    Elizabeth Whatley   Erica Moriarty
        detailed insight into their latest trip to Kenya with pictures showing the vast country
 23 June    Mary Nesling      Mary Nesling   side as well as the ‘Big Five’.  From challenges such as their climb to the top of one
        of  the  region’s  highest  mountains  to  building  a  new  dormitory  for  deaf  children
 30 June    Taisie Russell      Taisie Russell
        they are to be commended for all their achievements during their visit.
 7 July      Anne Forty      Audrey Grindrod
        Our  Annual Meeting included the election of this year’s committee and we are
        very  pleased  to  welcome  three  new  ladies  to  our  WI  and  thence  on  to  the
        Our  meeting  in  May  will  be  Mr.  McElwee  who  will  give  us  sight  of  happenings
 Mowing               behind  the  scenes  of  the  National  Trust.  This  will  be  our  last  meeting  until
                                    September.  June  will  be  our  Members  evening
 Rota   Area 1   Area 2   Area 3   Area 4   when  we  will  be  visiting  Wolfeton  Hall.  On
                                    Wednesday, 18  July we will be having a guided
 28 May – 10   Henry Hogger   David Payne   Roger Smith   Chris Parker   walk/tour  around  Wareham  followed  by  a  Fish
 Jun                                and  Chip  supper.  If  you  would  like  details  or  to
                                    join  us  at  this  event  please  call  one  of  the
 11 – 24 Jun   David Hallatt   Andy Smith   Ben Bunnell   Chris Parker   numbers below. You will be very welcome.
                                    An open invitation to all those in the parish to join
 25 Jun - 8 Jul   Roger Prideaux   Jaffar Abbas   Paul   Chris Parker   th
 Nottingham                         us in August. We will be holding our 100  Birthday
                                    celebration  in  St.  John  the  Baptist  Church  on
                                    August 21  at 3.00pm followed by refreshments.
                                    All welcome.
                                    September’s meeting will be a visit by “Teacher
 Quality Tax and                    Creatures”  which  should  prove  to  be  a  lively
 KingsBere   Accounting             evening. Guests are always welcome.
                                    If  you  would  like  any  further  information  about
                                    the WI please contact:
 Accountants   For professional advice, dealing with all   Eileen Salisbury on 01929 472022  or   Di  Pitts
 aspects of accounts and tax
                                    on 01929 471322
 Day and evening appointments available

 Phone Debbie Scott FCCA, ATII on 01258 830304

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