Page 66 - br-june-2018
P. 66

June 2018                                                                           June 2018

                                                                                           They continued to read the now worn Gospel booklet.
                                                                                           On the Monday John called his wife and children together to make an important
                                                                                           announcement.  “Now I have received Christ I am quite sure that this week the
                                                                                           Lord will take me to His glory”, John calmly announced.  “ I do not want you to
                                                                                           cry, I want you to be happy because now I am a Christian.”
                                                                                           On Thursday, four days after he had given his life to Jesus, John went to meet his
                                                                                           new-found Saviour face to face.
                                                                                                                           God so loved the world that He gave His
                                                                                                                            One and only Son, that whoever believes in Him
                                                                                                                              Shall not
                                                                                                                               Perish, but have
        Travel Clinic – Advice and Vaccinations                                                                                  Eternal

        As  many  of  us  are  planning  our  travel  trips  abroad,  may  we  remind  you  to                                           Life.                           John 3:16
        complete a travel risk assessment form; this can be collected from Reception. A
        Practice  Nurse  will  determine  which  vaccinations  you  require.  You  will  be                                                                                                                         Joyce Healey
        contacted to make an appointment with the Practice Nurse to discuss your travel
        arrangements and to receive any necessary vaccinations. Ideally we would like
        the travel form to be completed at least 6 weeks before your journey as vaccines
        are  not  always  held  in  stock  and  may  have  to  be  ordered  as  required.  Your   BERE HEATH METHODIST
        appointment to receive the recommended vaccinations needs to be at least 2
        weeks before you travel to allow the vaccines to work. There may be a charge for    CHAPEL
        certain vaccinations.
                                                                                            The next Service at the Chapel will be on June 3 , and

                                                                                            will be led by the Rev Jean Quick.
        Hay Fever
                                                                                            On  Saturday  23   of  June  we  will  be  having  a  spring
        As  the  nicer  weather  approaches,  please  ensure  that  you  have  adequate     coffee morning in aid of Chapel funds.
        medication for the coming season. Hay fever can often be controlled using over-
        the-counter medication from pharmacies. However, if symptoms persist speak to                                 S t a l l s    w i l l    i n c l u d e
        your GP, as you may require prescription medicine.                                                            homemade  cakes,  plants,
                                                                                                                      preserves  and  jams.  There  will  also  be  a  special

                                                                                                                      Buggies  and  Brunch  for  the  children.  Everyone  is
        Preventing Insect Bites and Stings                                                                            very welcome. 10.00-12.30.
        At this time of year you're more likely to be bitten or stung if you work outdoors or                          For more information contact the stewards: Karen
        regularly take part in outdoor activities, such as camping, hiking or walking in long                         Smith  (01929  471339),  Caroline  Harrison  (01929
        grass . Beware of ticks and other infestations. Using insect repellent and keeping                            471378).
        your skin covered when outdoors will help you avoid being bitten or stung. Try not
        to panic if you encounter wasps, hornets or bees, and back away slowly. Don't
        wave your arms around or swat at them.

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