Page 68 - br-june-2018
P. 68

June 2018
                                    G P Lewis                                                                              June 2018
          Interior/Exterior Painter & Decorator                                            ARMISTICE DAY CEREMONIAL FOR

                                                                                           AFFPUDDLE PARISH
         All aspects of painting and
         decorating undertaken including                                                    Armistice Day, 11  November, falls on Sunday this year and marks the centenary
         Domestic, New builds, Refurbs                                                      of  the  ending  of  World  War  1  in  1918.    In  recognition  of  this  event  the  Parish
                                                                                            Council have requested that the annual commemoration at the war memorial in
         and Commercial.                                                                    Bladen  Valley  be  enhanced  by  holding  it  at  11.00  a.m.,  the  actual  time  of
         Qualified and with over 30 years                                                   signing of the Armistice.  The PCC has agreed to this proposal.  As the Vicar will
                                                                                            be presiding over the similar ceremony at Bere Regis at that time, the event in
         experience, will offer friendly                                                    Briantspuddle will be conducted by myself, Jonathan Haigh, as the parish’s Lay
         advice if needed.                                                                  Minister.

            1st class finish                                                               It  has  also  been  suggested  that,  in  addition  to  the  wreath  normally  laid  by  a
                                                If you require a job done hassle free       church warden, other groups in the community  might like to contribute to the
            Free written quotes                 by an honest, friendly tradesman           commemoration  by  providing  and  laying  their  own  wreaths  on  this  occasion.
            Fully insured                         please give Gavin a call on              These  groups  could  be  the  committees  of  well-recognised  organisations
                                                01929 471704 or 07977                       operating  in  the  community,  or  even  informal  groupings  representing  different
            No job too small or big
                                                       047314, Email:                       locations or interests in the parish.
            No VAT                                     I will coordinate the arrangements for obtaining and laying these wreaths, and I
                                                                                            invite groups that wish to be involved to let me know, and tell me who will be
                                                                                            their wreath layer, by the end of August at the latest.
       LYTCHETT-LINE OUTINGS CLUB – HAMPTON                                                                                                          Jonathan Haigh
       COURT FLOWER SHOW – SAT 7 JULY                                                                                                 Hazel Cottage, 25 Briantspuddle.

                                                                                                                                                       01929 471768
       We’ve almost reached the number we need  (50) to earn the discounted entry
       price  (which I  assumed  we  would  when  pricing  this  trip!)  for  the  wonderful  RHS
       flower  show  at  Hampton  Court  Palace  on  Saturday  7  July.    Their  tickets  aren’t
       cheap, but we get £5 each off for our group booking.
       When we went last time it proved very popular as it has much more to offer than
       the  Chelsea  Flower  Show,  (many  of  whose  show  gardens  are  transferred  to
       Hampton Court) over a much bigger area (and so not crowded), and at a much
       lower price, so do book now if possible.
       The  total  price,  including  the  coach  and  entrance,  is  £50  each.    We’ll  leave
       Lytchett Matravers at 08.30 and the Flower Show at 16.30, to be back home at

       Come and join us and have some fun with our friendly club!
       New club members are very welcome, and membership is free  – just ring (after
       10.00 please!)
       Jo Puttick on 01929-459368, or email –

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