Page 62 - br-june-2018
P. 62

June 2018                                                                           June 2018

                                                                                            years it is hoped that plant diversity will improve. You may ask – why do you have
                                                                                            pony grazing there as they eat all the flowers?  Grazing is essential to reduce the
                                                                                            coarse grasses and other plants so that the smaller plants can thrive. The ponies

                                                                                            are  very  friendly  but  please  remember  do  not  feed  them  as  they  will  then
                                                                                            approach walkers for food.

           Rhubarb and Ginger Jam                                                           At  our  request  the  Dorset
                                                                                            Countryside  Rangers  have
           1kg/2 ¼ lb rhubarb, 1kg/2 ¼ lb                                                   now  seeded  part  of  the
                                                                                            roundabout at the bottom of
           preserving or granulated sugar, 25g/1oz
                                                                                            Poole  Hill  on  the  A35  with
           fresh ginger bruised, 115g/4oz                                                   poppies  which  we  hope  will
           crystallized ginger, 50g/2oz candied                                             provide  a  colourful  display  in
           orange peel chopped small.                                                       this  100   anniversary  of  the
                                                                                            end of the 1  World War.
           This is a good recipe for older rhubarb
           the younger spring rhubarb is best for                                           Christmas Trees
           making pies and tarts.
                                                                                            You will shortly receive an order form for Christmas Trees for this year which can
           Peel and cut the rhubarb into small                                              be ordered from the clerk, Amanda Crocker. The price of a tree is remaining at
                                                                                            £10 again and if you didn’t receive a form simply contact  Amanda before the
           pieces and layer with the sugar in a glass
                                                                                            end of June to place your order.
           or ceramic bowl overnight.  The next day scrape the rhubarb

           mixture into a large preserving pan.  Tie the bruised ginger in a
                                                                                            Planning Applications
           piece of muslin and add to the pan.  Cook gently for 30mins or
                                                                                            Every  month  there  are  a  handful  of  planning  applications  which  get  passed
           until the rhubarb has softened.  Remove the ginger and stir in the
                                                                                            through for our opinions on their way to the planning boards at either Purbeck
           crystallised ginger and candied orange peel.  Bring to the boil,                 District or Dorset County Council. More often than not these are discussed by the
           cook on a high heat until setting point has been reached                         planning working group and then their recommendations get brought to the full
           (105C/225F)  test by taking the jam off the heat and putting a                   council for approval, with the majority having no issues or reasons for objections.
                                                                                            This month, we received two such applications which the working group felt were
           teaspoon of jam onto a cold plate, leave for a couple of minutes                 better discussed at full council. These were; an application for the installation of
           and draw a spoon across the jam, if it leaves a trail and crinkles it            two slurry stores at Higher Stockley Farm and an application for two dwellings on
           is ready.  Once satisfied that the jam has reached setting point                 land off Tower Hill. Both had some grounds for objection and the Parish Council
                                                                                            recommendations were passed to the PDC and Dorset County planning officers
           ladle into warm sterilized jars, seal and label.  When completely                for their consideration. If you ever have a planning application going through the
           cool store in a dry dark place.  Will keep some time.                            system then you are welcome to come along to the meeting and discuss it in the
                                                                                            period  of  public  participation  at  the  start  and  indeed  stay  and  listen  to  the
           This makes an excellent breakfast jam as an alternative to                       comments on it during the full meeting.
           marmalade.  Ginger is great for pepping you up.                                                                                           Bryan Benjafield

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