Page 35 - br-june-2018
P. 35

June 2018                             June 2018
       I have had a great deal of correspondence from constituents about some of the
       debates  in  parliament  recently.  One  of  these  was  the  change  in  the  law
       increasing  the  protections  for  emergency  workers.  I  was  pleased  to  be  in
       Parliament  on  Friday,  to  support  the  Bill  and  speak  during  the  debate.  My
       grandfather  was  a  police  officer,  as  was  my  uncle  and  we  owe  emergency
       service workers a debt of gratitude for the courage, commitment and dedication
       they demonstrate in carrying out their duties.

       I was delighted to receive some letters from school children in Wareham about
       the problem of plastic pollution and our environment. As many of them pointed
       out, we can all do our bit to help. I always like to hear from young people about
       issues that matter to them, and it is vital that we continue to protect our beautiful
       countryside for future generations.
        I continue to hold regular surgeries for constituents all year round and if you have
       an issue that you need help with, please do get in touch;
       email   me   or
       contact  my  office  on  01202  624216.  You  can  also  follow
       what  I’ve  been  doing  on  Twitter  @Michael4mdnp  or  or  on  my

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