Page 34 - br-june-2018
P. 34

June 2018                                                                           June 2018
                                                                                           some  interesting  groups  and  worth  noting  that  Mr  Price  turned  up  bright  and
                                                                                           breezy  with  the  captain  and  then  had  to  wait  2  hours  before  teeing  off
                                                                                           last…..that’s the luck of the draw Pricey!!
       Spring  has  finally  sprung  –  and  we  may  even  be                             We had a plethora of lowish scores with the average score being only 25 points in
       seeing the start of summer! April and May have had                                  treacherous conditions.   However,  in  third  place  with  a  34  points  was  yours  truly
       some  extremes  of  weather,  but  I  hope  you  all  had                           Captain Tiny (beating Kris “mukka” Meehan on countback), in second place with
       the  chance  to  enjoy  some  sunshine  over  the  early                            a great score of 35 points was housewive’s favourite Paul Ebsworth, and the winner
       May bank holiday weekend.
                                                                                           scoring a magnificent 37 points (including 23 on the back 9 holes alone) was Jim
       I  have  had  a  very  varied  month,  with  events  and                            Goodey….well played Jim!
       meetings  across  the  constituency  and  in  London.  I                            The nearest the pin were won by Ian “Skeletor” Spalding, and our guest for the day
       was delighted to open the new premises for Shands                                   Triston Gale,  nearest the pin in 2 was won by Sir Charles Way!  Lastly the nearest
       funeral  care  in  Corfe  Mullen.  They  do  some  great                            the  line  competition  was  also  won  by  my  VC  for  the  season  Ian  “Skeletor”
       work  in  the  community,  and  are  supportive  of  a  wide  range  of  charities  and
       events, including the Corfe Mullen carnival, coming up on Saturday 9  June.
                                                                                           Unsurprisingly given the conditions there were no 2 twos scored on the day both!
       I had a tour around Montecute School and enjoyed a delicious cake & coffee at
       their  fundraising  Happy  Zone  café.  This  is  open  to  the  public  serving  drinks  and   After the prize giving we held the second of our monthly raffles where I am again
       cakes on term-time Fridays from 1030-1115. Do drop in if you get the chance and     overwhelmed with the ROGS generosity as we managed to raise a fantastic £153
       you will be assured of a warm welcome.                                              for the Captain’s Charities of Diabetes UK and Epilepsy….thank you so much once
       In Upton I popped in to chat to the volunteers at the Upton Day centre fundraising
       coffee morning, along with the Upton Gardening Club. I was pleased to chat to       I look forward to seeing you all at the next ROGS game at Salisbury GC on March
       Purbeck’s  volunteer  of  the  year  Martyn  Chase  whilst  I  was  there.  There  are  so   25  first tee off 12 midday.
       many people giving their time to make our communities a better place to live and
       work.                                                                                                                                            Captain Tiny

       In London I attended a reception to celebrate the work of apprentices, and had
       the  chance  to  chat  to  some  local  Cobham  apprentices  from  Wimborne.  I  am   THOMAS WILLIAMS EDUCATIONAL
       always  keen  to  encourage  young  people  in  whatever  career  path  they chose,   FOUNDATION
       and it was fascinating to hear from them about  their work. I have also recently                                                Registered Charity  -  306172
       visited  local  Poole  business  Actisense  to  meet  members  of  the  Dorset  Young
       Chamber of Commerce from local schools in Dorset.
                                                                                            Long established members of our village community will already be aware of this
                                                                                            local grant making charity.
                                                                                            Nowadays,  we  generally  refer  to  the  trust  as  “The  Williams  Trust”  and  many
                                                                                            parishioners  are  aware  that  it  makes  financial  contributions  towards  the
              LOCAL MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT                                                    education of young people in the Parish, especially in cases of greatest need.
                                                                                            Grants  to  individuals  in  previous  years  have  ranged  from  assistance  with
         Michael Tomlinson MP                                                              equipment  costs  for  undergraduates,  6th  former  travel  costs  and  support  for
         holds regular surgeries                                                            apprenticeships.  Local youth organisations, including the school, Scouts and the
                                                                                            Swimming Club have also benefited.
        in the constituency.  For     01202 624216
         details of forthcoming                          The  Trustees  of  the  charity  are  very  much  aware  that  as  the  community  has
         surgeries or to make an                                                           changed and grown over the years, the profile of the Trust has  become less well-
                                                                                            known  and  there  are  many  cases  of  real  need  which  have  not  been  able  to
          appointment, please          @Michael4MDNP                                        benefit.  To that end, we have stepped up the publicity  for the grant application
            contact his office.

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