Page 40 - br-june-2018
P. 40

June 2018                                                                           June 2018
                                                                                                           AUTUMN LEAVES

                                                                                                           OVER  50’S CLUB

                                                                                                            What a lovely afternoon we had at Autumn Leaves in May!

                                                                                                            Andrew  Cannon  brought  his  clever  keyboard  with  its  great
                                                                                           backing  sounds,  and  played  some  wonderful  songs  from  popular  singers  like
                                                                                           Frank  Sinatra  and  Dean  Martin.    We  then  enjoyed  joining  in  with  lots  of  well-
                                                                                           known sing-along songs and even had a little bit of dancing!
                                                                                           It was so successful that we are going to ask him back again!
                                                                                           Don’t miss out next month!

                                                                                           Our speaker on 13  June is Mary Graham, who gave us a really interesting talk
                                                                                           last year and is returning to tell us about the Dorset Doctor Detective.   Sounds
                                                                                           Come and join us for afternoon tea.  Bring a friend!

                                                                                           BERE REGIS WILDLIFE

                                                                                           The sun is out, butterflies are on the wing, the cuckoo
                                                                                           has been heard, the swallows and house martins have
                                                                                           arrived – so, it must be early summer! But where are the
                                                                                           swifts?  Hope  fully  we’ll  see  them  soon.  Enjoy  the
                                                                                           warmer weather, and do come along to our summer

                                                                                           Summer Events
                                                                                           You are very welcome to join us at the second of our summer events – a short talk
                                                                                           and a guided walk led by Sean Couch from Natural England. The walk will take us
                                                                                           onto the lower part of Black Hill and be specifically looking at and learning about
                                                                                           veteran  and  ancient  trees.  These  trees  are  of  particular  wildlife  value  and  much
                                                                                           enjoyed by villagers and visitors for their impressive stature and beauty. The event is
                                                                                           on Saturday 16th June, meeting at  the Drax Hall at 10.00 am. We hope that this
                                                                                           event will enable us to survey and identify other veteran and ancient trees within
                                                                                           the Parish.
                                                                                           We  are  planning  other  events  over  the  coming  summer  months,  so  watch  this
                                                                                           space for further news of these.

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