Page 25 - br-june-2018
P. 25

June 2018                             June 2018

       off Southbrook by the new school drive. Unfortunately getting permission for this
       site is bound up with finalising the Neighbourhood Plan, but we are still moving
       ahead on those matters that can be pursued now.
       We held an open Forum on 11 November 2017 about both the Neighbourhood
       Plan  and  the  new  hall.  160  people  attended,  and  the  overwhelming  majority
       were in favour of what we were proposing.

       The  Open  Spaces  working  group  have  been  out  on  the  streamside  area  near
       Elder  Rd  many  times  in  the  past  year  clearing  the  undergrowth  to  allow  wild
       flowers  to  flourish  and  putting  up  the  bird  boxes  made  by  Scouts.  They  have
       carried out wild flower seeding near the school and on Poole Hill roundabout. The
       horses were so successful in grazing Souls Moor that they will be back again soon
       to help the wildlife flourish on the nature reserve.
       I  would  like  to  pay  tribute  and  say  thank  you  to  all  those  community  minded
       residents who turned out in early March in the snow and icy conditions to clear
       pavements and keep traffic moving. They did us proud!
       Each year we are able to make small grants to community organisations. During
       the past year the following benefitted:
       Autumn  Leaves,  Bere  Regis  School,  Bere  Regis  Sports  Club,  and  the  Flower
       Festival. A total of £1,275 was granted.

 When you respond to advertisers, do please tell them you saw   Distgen,  who  operate  the  wind  turbine  at  Rogers  Hill  farm,  made  a  generous
       donation  last  year  of  £10,423.19  to  the  Parish.  We  have  earmarked  this  for  the
 their advert in this magazine  -  it helps them monitor the   preparatory costs involved in planning the new community hall.
 effectiveness of their advert and helps us generate more   Each  year  we  are  asked  to  nominate  a  local  resident  who  stands  out  for
 advertising revenue!!   volunteering their time and efforts to help our local community as our nominee at
       the  Purbeck  Volunteer  of  the  Year  awards.  Our  nomination  this  year  was  Philip
       Ventham for his tireless work over numerous years with the Scout Group in Bere
       Regis.  If  you  know  anybody  who  you  would  like  to  nominate  this  year,  please
       contact the clerk, Amanda Crocker on the details above.
       Finally,  I  would  like  to  give  thanks  to  each  of  the  parish  councillors  for  the
       voluntary time and effort they put in to keeping our parish safe and well run. Each
       councillor  has  particular  responsibilities,  whether  it  be  for  our  environment,
       planning  consents,  footpaths  and  rights  of  way,  community  liaison,
       neighbourhood  planning,  transport  or  emergency  planning,  and  each  gives
       willingly  of  his  or  her  time,  experience  and  skills.  Our  clerk,  Amanda  Crocker,
       whose  difficult  task  it  is  to  make  sure  we  obey  local  government  rules  and
       regulations regularly goes the extra mile to support us and she deserves our warm
       thanks as well.

       Re-Elections and Responsibilities

       The council were delighted when both our Chair and Vice-Chair, Ian Ventham

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