Page 24 - br-june-2018
P. 24

June 2018                                                                           June 2018
                          BERE REGIS NEWS                                                  BERE REGIS SURGERY

                                                                                           General Data Protection
       Chairman:          Ian Ventham      471480
                                                                                           Regulations - implementation
                                                                                           date May 25th 2018
       Vice Chairman:   Robin Pitcher      472151

                                                                                           How the Surgery uses your medical
       Parish Clerk:      Amanda           472327                   records – important information for
                          Crocker                                                          patients:
                                                                                           This Practice handles medical records in line with current laws on data protection
        Websites:                                 and confidentiality

                                                                  We share  medical records with those who are involved in providing you with
                                                                                              care and treatment
        The  Parish  Council  met  on  Thursday  10   May  2018  at  the  Drax  Hall.  The  next
        meeting  will  be  on  Thursday  14   June  at  the  Drax  Hall,  starting  at  7pm.  All     In some circumstances we will also share medical records for medical research,
        parishioners are very welcome to attend and to take the opportunity to raise any      for example to find out more about why people get ill
        matters or concerns at the start of the meeting.
                                                                                             We share the information when the law requires us to do so, for example, to
                                                                                              prevent  infectious  diseases  from  spreading  or  to  check  the  care  being

        Chairman’s Report                                                                     provided to you is safe
        Our aim as a parish council is to ensure that Bere Regis is a safe, clean            You have a right to be given a copy of your medical record
        and well-run community for all our residents.
                                                                                             You have the right to object to your medical records being shared with those
        The year 2017/2018 has been as busy as ever for the Parish Council and our clerk.     who provide you with care
        All  our  regular  matters  such  as  scrutinising  planning  applications,  regularly
        inspecting the Play Park, the Lengthsman’s work of keeping the parish clean and      You  have  the  right  to  object  to  your  information  being  used  for  medical
        tidy  and  the  cemetery  well  mown  and  maintained,  running  the  NeighbourCar    research and to plan health services
        Scheme  and  the  Salt  and  Pepper  Club  have  continued,  whilst  we  have  also     If you are happy with how we use your information you need not do anything
        taken on various new tasks and projects.
                                                                                             Information sharing is subject to strict agreements on how it is used
        As  frustratingly  as  ever,  we  have  spent  many  hours  trying  to  finalise  the
        Neighbourhood  Plan.  We  have  been  in  negotiations  with  Natural  England  and     Our  guiding  principle  is  that  we  are  holding  your  information  in  the  strictest
        the Drax Estate. Though supported by Purbeck District Council, we have found it       confidence
        difficult  to  cope  with  the  changing  demands  of  consultees  such  as  Highways
        England and Wessex Water, and trying to deal with central government’s need          You  have  the  right  to  have  any  mistakes  corrected  and  to  complain  to  the
                                                                                              Information  Commissioner’s  Office.  Please  see  the  Practice  Privacy  notice  on
        for  greater  housing  numbers.  Nonetheless,  I  think  we  are  close  to  finalising  the   the  website  or  speak  to  a  member  of  staff  for  more  information  about  tour
        plan and hope to commit to a final consultation shortly on 105 houses on 5 sites
        around the village.
                                                                                           For more information, please ask at Reception for a leaflet
        The need for a new Community Hall has been high on our agenda, too. We know
        that the Drax Hall is not fit for purpose and we are working very closely with the
        Drax Hall trustees to find a solution. We do have a preferred site on Souls Moor, just

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