Page 22 - br-june-2018
P. 22

June 2018                                                                           June 2018
                                                                                           Treating Insect Bites and Stings
                                                                                           Most are treated by:
        Sundays 10.30am  Morning Service  taken each week by  visiting                          washing  the  affected  area  with  soap  and
        preachers.                                                                               water
        Mondays at 7pm  STS (Search the Scriptures) Youth meeting                               placing  a  cold  compress  (a  flannel  or  cloth
        Tuesdays at 9.15am (during term time)  Chapel Toddlers Group                             soaked in cold water) over the area to reduce
        Tuesdays at 7.30pm  Bible Study and Prayer                                               swelling
        Last  month  the  Church  welcomed  Mike  Berry  from  the  Zambesi    Mission  who   Try  not  to  scratch  the  affected  area  to  avoid
        talked to us about the Mission’s work in Mozambique and Malawi.  This month, on    infection. If you're in pain or the area is swollen, take
        June 10  , Tim Palmer will be coming to tell us about the New Tribes Mission UK.  Of   painkillers  such  as  paracetamol  or  ibuprofen.  If  in
        the world’s 6,500 people groups, 2,500 are still unreached.    NTM UK helps local   doubt, seek advice from one of our Practice Nurses.
        churches train, coordinate and send missionaries to these tribes.
           On  a  practical  note,  the  Church  has  been  blessed  with  the  provision  of  new   Carers Meetings
        upholstered, stacking chairs.  These very comfortable chairs still give us flexible use
        of our Church space.  You are very welcome to our services and the opportunity     At  our  last  meeting,  about  15  people  attended.  We  were  very  lucky  to  have
        to try the new seats for yourself!                                                 Rosemary from the Kingsbere Quilters come to visit us. She brought along some
                                                                                           beautiful examples  of  quilting  that  the  group  had  made.  Rosemary  also  told  us

                                                                                           about a charity scheme that they participate in where they make small quilts for
        Four Days Left to Live!                                                            sick  children  and  their  parents.  Then  the  idea  being  that  they  are  exchanged
                                                                                           regularly back and forth  with parent and child so that the scents of each help
         “Who needs Jesus?”  For 63 years John had made his own way in life.  He had a     with bonding.
        wife and family and had always been able to provide for them.  He had never
        needed or believed in God.  Why start now?                                         Our next meeting will be held at 2pm at the Scout Hut - Bere Regis.
                                  John  refused  the  Gospel  booklet  that  an  ‘Every
                                  Home  for  Christ’  worker  offered  him  when  he
                                  answered  a  knock  at  the door.    He  was  about  to
                                  slam it shut when his wife, Lydia, reached out and
                                  took the booklet.  John walked away in disgust, but
                                  when the workers asked if there was anything they
                                  could pray for, she thanked them and asked them
                                  to pray for her husband who had a heart problem.
                                  In bed that night, Lydia began reading the Gospel
                                  booklet  to  herself.    She  was  surprised  when  her
                                  husband  asked  her  to  read  it  aloud,  and  even
                                  more surprised when he kept asking her to re-read
                                  the booklet, somehow fascinated by its message.
                                  A  few  days  later  the  EHC  workers  returned  and
        invited John and Lydia to church. By then the Holy Spirit had done His work.  The
        following Sunday John and Lydia made a public profession of faith in Jesus Christ,
        repenting of their sins and committing their lives to Jesus, to trust and follow Him.

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