Page 13 - br-june-2018
P. 13

June 2018                             June 2018

 written  by  Andrew  Knox  has  been  photographed
 and  produced  by  Leonora  Sheppard  and  Roger
                 and dad experienced the worst nightmare of any parent, losing their
 Signed  copies  were  available  for  sale  on  the night.    eldest daughter to cancer. Again, mum bolstered the whole family at
 Profits  from  the  book  sales  will  be  donated  to   this difficult time.
 Briantspuddle Village Shop.
         At the age of 80ish they decided to broaden their horizons. First to Alaska and
 This  delightful,  pocket-sized  guidebook  is  illustrated   then New Zealand. Finally, they found their winter sun destination in Madeira,
 with  photographs  of  the  parish  and  clear  mapping   where they went for eleven years running. Mum loved to travel and had great
 to  guide  you  on  the  walk.    Discover  the  rich  and   joy in regaling us all about their exploits. She would so enjoy the times we all
 diverse landscape that surrounds us, either by foot or   went to France as a huge family, always managing to feed us all at a drop of a
 from the comfort of an armchair.   hat.  Mum  loved  food  and  talking  about  it.  She  wrote  recipes  for  ‘BT  dial  a
         recipe’ and also a recipe book for an Austrian cooker company.

 Sue gave a short address at the launch; she talked   Throughout mum's life her faith kept her strong. Many times, she would tell dad
 about  the  development  of  the  book  and  thanked  parishioners for  their interest   that her Sunday communion was so important to her - it set her up for the week
 and support.  She also expressed an intention to schedule a few dates to walk   to come.
 sections of the route over the summer.  All are welcome to join in a stroll, along   Her  whole  life  was  dedicated  to  others,  over  and  above  herself.  Mum's  faith
 with  some  convivial  conversation.    Look  out  for  these  dates  on  parish   reminds us of a passage in the Bible that refers to those who put their trust in
         their faith and "are lifted above the storms of life, like an eagle".
 Copies  of  the  book  are  on  sale  in  Briantspuddle  Village  Shop  for  £10.    Just  a   This sums mum up to us.
 reminder,  shop  opening  times  are  Monday  -  Saturday  9am  to  12  noon  and
 Sunday 10am to 12 noon.   Mum  would  have  been  overwhelmed  to  see  so  many  friends  here  today,
         helping us celebrate her life and would have been wondering what all the fuss
         was about, thank you all for your kind support
 AFFPUDDLE & TURNERSPUDDLE PARISH   Now Bin, mum and dad's great friend, would like to add a few memories of their
         times in Scotland.
 Annual Parish Meeting   Good afternoon everybody. For those of you who don't know me, I am Binoy
         Roy, or Bin, and
 On Wednesday 11 th  May the Annual Parish Meeting was held in the Village Hall.
         Gilbert and Barbara have been very close friends for nigh on forty years.
   A  report  was  given  by  Parish  Council  Chair,  Nick  Gore.    This  report  will  be
 reproduced  in  full  on  the  community  website.    Reports  from  representatives  of   We  have  all  been  touched  by  Barbara,  by  her
 other organisations were also received as follows:   kindness,  her  caring,  her  gentleness  and  her  good
         humour. She filled her life with so much that she hardly
 Parochial Church Council - Stephen Sanderson (read by Jonathan Haigh)   allowed  time  for  herself.  Busy  though  she  was,  at  the
         centre of everything was her love for Gilbert and their
 Briantspuddle Music Group - Jonathan Haigh
 Briantspuddle Community Group - Jenny Beedle
         Yet  she  and  Gilbert  had  to  bear  what  no  parent
 Briantspuddle Village Shop and Post Office - Ken Kilbank   should ever have to face  - the loss of their daughter,
         Sue. The pain of that is still with them.
 Bladen Social Club - Peter Talbot

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