Page 11 - br-june-2018
P. 11

June 2018                             June 2018
 Credits  with  the  additional  support  from  a
 third-party  donor  who  wishes  to  remain        OBITUARIES
 anonymous.    The  Parish  Council  would  like
 to express its gratitude to both donors.
                Barbara Griffin

 Briantspuddle War Memorial   11th September 1927  -  17th March 2018
 The   Parish   Council   has   received   Welcome  everybody,  thank  you  for  coming  today
 confirmation that its grant to clean the war   to help us celebrate the life of mum, or wife, or sister,
 memorial’s  inscription  panels  has  been   or grandma, or great grandma or friend. Teacher, or
 successful.    This  will  provide  75%  a   confidante  but  most  of  all  just  a  wonderful  caring
 contribution amounting to 75% of the total cost of the project.  Work will go ahead   person.
 as soon as possible.  It is very much hoped that this work will be completed in time   Mum  was  born  on  11  September  1927,  the  third  of
 for the Remembrance Service in November.
        four  children.  In  Bristol  where  she  spent  her  early
        years  before  moving  firstly  to  Stoborough  as  a

 Annual Grants Under Section 137 and 133 of the Local   temporary home  then finally to Swanage in 1934/5
        where her father was the registrar for the Purbecks.
 Government Act 1972
        Mum attended the local primary school in Swanage and having passed school
 Just  a  reminder  that  the  deadline  to  apply  for  grants  is  fast  approaching.    certificate moved to the grammar school in 1938. Growing up during the war
 Completed applications together with the necessary additional information needs   years  was  obviously  hard  for  all  concerned  however  her  father  being  a  civil
 to be with the Parish Clerk by 30  June 2018.     servant, had the benefit of a car and petrol allowance, this enabled them to
        very  occasionally  travel  further  afield.  In  fact,  with  Uncle  Bill.  They  holidayed
 Each year the Parish Council sets aside a sum of money which can be applied for
 by local organisations for projects which will be of benefit to residents within the   occasionally near Weston-Super-Mare where on one frightening occasion with
 Parish.    A  copy  of  the  Grant  Application  form  and  together  with  the  Council’s   her  elder  brother,  David,  they  wandered  into  a  field  of  pigs  which  started  to
 Grant  Policy  can  be found  on  the  Council’s  section of  the  Community  Website   chase  them.  Running  quicker  than  mum,  David  left  her  to  fend  for  herself. or a paper copy can be obtained from the Parish Clerk at   Thankfully,  she  managed  to  make  her  escape,  and  berating  David  for  not or 07887 782005.   protecting her as he should have.
        Mum  left  school  in  1945.  Having  attained  her  higher  school  Certificate,  then
        attended Gloucester college for domestic science where she obviously found
 Councillor Contact Details   her vocation. This started her love of food and cooking. Finally, leaving college
        in  i948.  She  was  offered  a  position  by  Dorset  County  Council  in  the  new
 Nick Gore (Chair)     01305 848130
        Domestic Science department of the new secondary school in Dorchester then
 Sue Jones (Vice-Chair)   01929 471375   under  construction.  As  this  was  delayed  due  to  the  rationing  of  building
        materials after the war, mum was offered a temporary post in the metropolis of
 Charles Barter      01929 463663
        Bere Regis.
 Trevor Poole      07966 499252
 Sarah Lowman      07796 221568   It  was  here  on  a  bright  September  afternoon  father
        saw mother In the street and that was that, as far as he
 Jonathan Haigh      01929 471768
        was  concerned.  After  a  few  years  of  gentle
 Mike Menzies      01929 471263     persuasion,  mum  finally  agreed  to  marry  him.  They
 Lizzie Guinn      01305 848916   lizzieguinn@hotmail,com   married on June 17, 1950 in St Mary's church Swanage
        where  his  brother,  Norman,  best  man  and  Maureen.
 Lindsay Hole      07887 782005
 (parish clerk)            Mum's  sister,  maid  of  honour  met.  They  eventually
        married – two brides for two brothers. Almost 68 years

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