Page 12 - br-june-2018
P. 12

June 2018                                                                           June 2018
                                                                                            Briantspuddle Village Hall Committee - Jenny Lightfoot
                                 OBITUARIES                                                 Book let & Briantspuddle Talks, Briantspuddle Community Group - Angie Talbot

                                                                                            Erica Trust – Lesley Haskins
                 of married life followed.
                                                                                            Parishioners present listened to reports which outlined activities over the last year
                 Along came three children and mum devoted her life to bringing us          and plans for the future.  It is hoped that these reports will be made available to
        up  until  school  age.  During  those  early  years,  us  children  came  to  know  of   publish in the coming month to the wider Parish.  Several questions were posed
        mum's  medicinal  capabilities.  Although  never  ill  herself,  and  not  wanting  to   by  Parishioners  and  The  Chairman  thanked  all  the  volunteers  across  the  whole
        waste the doctors time on trivial child illnesses she had the magic cure for all    community for their efforts and contribution to parish life.
        ailments.  Whatever  we  used  to  be  suffering  from,  be  it  toothache,  scrapes,

        headaches,  even  broken  limbs,  out  came  the  milk  of  magnesia  tablets.  She
        used to tell us that they would make us better. And they Invariably did. Once       Commemorations to mark the centenary of the end of WW1
        we all had started school, mum returned to her vocation of teaching. Firstly, she
        went to Lychett Matravers, then Lytchett Minster secondary school, and then         A  service  is  planned  at  Briantspuddle  War  Memorial  at  11am  on  Sunday  11
        eventually back to Dorchester Modern where she should have been in 1948. I          November.    Parishioners  are  invited  to  lay  wreaths  during  the  service.    It  is
        believe  there  are  one  or  two  ex  pupils  here  in  this  congregation  today. I  am   envisaged that community groups  may wish  to lay  a  wreath to represent their
        sure they will back me up in confirming mum's caring nature for her pupils and      organisation.    Anyone  wishing  to  discuss  this  invitation  further  should  speak  to
        dedication  to  all  involved  in  the  school.  To  one  of  those  ex  pupils  all  i  say  is   Jonathan Haigh.  Please note that any order for wreaths need to be placed via
        "scone  mix".  I  will  not  elaborate  or  embarrass  you.  But  you  know  what  I  am   Jonathan by mid-August.
        referring to - Chris!!
                                                                                            An  idea  to  plant  daffodils,  to  represent  those  fallen  in  the  conflict,  in
        Teaching was a big part of her life at this time, and she rose to becoming head     Briantspuddle  woods  received  support  at  the  meeting.    This  suggestion  will  be
        of department at Dorchester where mum stayed for many years. Unfortunately          discussed further.
        teaching eventually lost its shine. Too much bureaucracy spoilt the passion she
        had for encouraging her pupils to achieve their absolute best.
                                                                                            Annual Statutory Meeting
        After  teaching  came  a  change  of  profession.  Mum  bought  a  local  grocery
        shop in the early 70's which, with Gertie's, Jean's and Cythi's assistance, she ran   At the Annual Statutory Meeting held on Wednesday 11  May Nick Gore was re-
                                                                                            elected as Chair and Sue Jones as Vice Chair.
        for many years, Eventually selling to the Roberts.

        At  this  point,  mum  and  dad,  finding  themselves  slightly  better  off  (having
        moved us children on to the big wide world of earning a living for ourselves),      Briantspuddle Water meadows
        they had a little more time for themselves. Mum having always put everyone
        before  herself  found  it  difficult  to  think  about  her  unexpected  leisure  time.    Officer priority has been the Poole Local Plan.  This work is due to conclude in
        However, before long, when she should have been relaxing, she took over the         the summer and at this stage Officers will turn their attention to the Briantspuddle
        office  at  our  family  business.  Whilst  not  super  fit,  she  enjoyed  the  occasional   Water Meadow Project.  Work will begin by commissioning a levels / percolation
        game  of  tennis  and  badminton.  Other  pastimes  she  loved  were  her  lace     survey  in  late  Summer.  The  results  of  this  piece  of  work  will  be  shared  with  the
        making and also fly fishing at Trigon where she taught                              Environment Agency to see whether a wetland is physically possible on the site.
        richard to fish. This passion for fishing took a hold on her                        The Borough of Poole will continue to cut the grass paths throughout the season.
        life  -  more  of  which  you  will  hear  about  later.  This
        passion for fishing extended well into her 80's.
                                                                                            Fingerpost Project
        Mum  and  dad  started  their  annual  visits  to  Scotland                         The  current  phase  of  the  Parish  Council’s  ongoing  project  to  repair  or  replace
        and foodie heaven - France. Over the years they had                                 Fingerposts throughout the Parish has been completed.  Two new fingerposts are
        many  visits  there  and  occasionally  other  European                             now in situ, one at Briantspuddle Crossroads and the other at Throop Heath.
        destinations experiencing the wines on the way.
                                                                                            Funding  for  the  Briantspuddle  Crossroads  Fingerpost  was  secured  from  Viridor
        Whilst  running  the  office  of  the  family  business,  mum

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                                                                                        Affpuddle and Turnerspuddle website:
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