Page 42 - br-july-2022
P. 42

July 2022                              July 2022

 Masters in Montreal in a few days time and also had plans to swim in an over 70’s   RECIPE OF THE MONTH
 cross channel relay team later in the month: a busy man!
 The lido had remained open during the   Thanks to our WI members for sharing their favourites
 war  with  the  American  forces  along
 with  their  British  comrades  using  the   Potato Pasty
 pool for recuperation. Once the famous
 Ol y mpi c   swi mme r  a n d  ac tor   A lovely farmer’s wife passed this recipe on. It is filling and tasty and can be
 (remember  the  Tarzan  films?)  Johnny   served with cold meat or cheese or just chutney.
 Weissmuller dived off the boards  (sadly   The  ingredients  are cheap so if  you are  worried  about  oven  time bake it
 taken down in 1995 for health & safety   with something else as it will keep.
 reasons),  swam  50  metres  underwater
 and was pulled out of the water by Joe   Ingredients
 Louis  the  world  heavy  weight  boxing
 champion.    Pastry/ or buy ready made shortcrust pastry
          8oz (225g) self raising flour
 I was able to speak to Ian Barton who was in charge of special events. He had   2oz (50g) butter
 arranged  a  full  programme  of  theatre  and  sporting  events  during  the  summer.
 Ian, an actor/performer found himself out of work in 2001, popped into the pool   2oz (50g) lard
 and landed a job as a lifeguard. With his love of performance and his links with   3 tbsp cold water
 the  local  Everyman  Theatre,  he  soon  found  his  niche  organising  a  wonderfully
 varied programme of events.  This summer for instance, the lido is putting on “A   Filling
 Midsummer Night’s Dream” and “Treasure Island”.    1lb (450g) potatoes
 Ian was also very proud of the success of the Triathlon which started and finished   4 tbsp ( 60g) clotted cream (double cream
 at the pool. The event has grown from just 300 in 2009 to 800 this year.  Also, he   or knobs of butter can be used instead)
 had put on a Pied Piper Junior Aquathlon with children aged 8 to 16 taking part in   Salt and pepper
 a run/swim over varying distances.   1 egg or a little milk to glaze

 The Devil’s  Aquathlon takes place each October with a tough 2kms cold water
 swim and 10kms run up to Devil’s Chimney and back. Also, 250 swimmers turn up   Method
 each year for their annual Christmas Day swim with around 700 spectators.   If making pastry sift flour with a pinch of salt into a bowl and rub in butter
          and lard then add the water and make into a dough then put in the fridge
 I  was  interested  to  talk  to  some  of  the   to rest.
    pool  users.  Jacqueline  Quinn  told  me
 “Usually  there  is  a  big  gang  of  us  but   Heat the oven 350F/ 180c/ gas 4. lightly grease an 8inch pie plate or dish
 most  of  my  friends  came  to  watch  the   Peel potatoes and thinly slice. Roll out half the pastry on a floured board
 water  polo  game  this  morning.  I  am  a   and line the dish with it.
 widow  and  this  is  the  one  place  I  can   Fill with  half  the  potatoes,  spoon on  the cream  and  sprinkle  with  a  good
 come, be on my own and not feel out   grind of salt and pepper ( I like to use white pepper)
 of place. This is a wonderful place and I   Top with remaining potatoes.
 love it!”
          Roll out the remaining pastry, damp pastry edge with water to help it stick
 Gill  Kirkham  and  Jayne  Layton  were   and then place the pastry lid on top. Press the edges to seal
 reclining  on  the  grass  enjoying  the   Brush the top with a beaten egg or a little milk and prick with a fork.
 afternoon  sun.  Gill  said  “I  am  really
          Bake for about an hour until golden brown and enjoy.

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