Page 41 - br-july-2022
P. 41

July 2022                                                                           July 2022
                                                                                            impressed  with  how comfortable  this  place  feels  with  everyone  getting  on  with
                                                                                            each other.”
                                                                                            “Every time the sun comes out, we jump in pool and swim a couple of lengths so
                                                                                            we are getting fitter too!”
                                                                                            Sadly, I had no time to stay a while and further soak in the atmosphere, swim and
                                                                                            to enjoy a Jazz Evening which was to take place that evening but I will be back!
                                                                                            The cafe where we sat was doing excellent trade on the afternoon I was there
                                                                                            and  owner  Suzanna  Moffat  was  hoping  to  be  able  to  open  onto  the  Park  to
                                                                                            further enhance  her  trade which  would  potentially  bring  further  revenue  to  the
                                                                                            pool in fees she pays to the trust.
                                                                                            This  pool I know  will  continue  to flourish because it  has  such  wonderful  backing
                                                                                            from  the  local  community  and  a  skilled  management  team  who  pull  it  all
                                                                                            together. Dave Banyard told me that the trustees did not always agree but they
                                                                                            worked really well together and were all committed to the lido. Dave had struck
                                                                                            up a conversation with Diana who grew up on the Cotswolds and amazingly they
                                                                                            were both born in the same Sunnyside Nursing Home back in the 1940s!
                                                                                            The  lido’s  future  looks  in  safe  hands  with  the  encouragement  of  all  the
                                                                                            stakeholders including the borough council which has been very supportive. Keith
                                                                                            was keen to say that this working partnership was perhaps the best example of its
                                                                                            kind in the country. The number of season ticket holders continues to grow with
                                                                                            1,167 registered this summer
                                                                                            Last year, 206.000 people came to the pool and Keith told me that it was well on
                                                                                            its way to exceeding this total in the current season. When the sun shone on busy
                                                                                            days in the past week, 4,000 people packed the lido and you could hardly see a
                                                                                            blade of grass for human bodies.
                                                                                            I loved this place and I will return!

                                                                                                                                                        Bob Holman

                                                                                            As a footnote to this article, Tony Cherrington did get to swim in a cross channel
                                                                                            relay team which still holds the record for the oldest team across. In September
                                                                                            this year, if all goes to plan, I am going to be part of a team which hopefully will
                                                                                            break this record. The average age of our 6 person “One Foot in the Wave” team
                                                                                            will be 75 years 337 days and it will be 30 years since I completed my solo swim in
                                                                                            1992. Fingers crossed!

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