Page 40 - br-july-2022
P. 40

July 2022                              July 2022

        Dorset County Council Trading Standards Service check and
        approve businesses so you don’t have to.
 Nowadays,  we  generally  refer  to it  simply  as  “The  Williams  Trust”  and  many  are
 aware  that  it  makes  financial  contributions  towards  the  education  of  young   For more information visit or
 people in the Parish, especially in cases of greatest need.   call 08454 040506.
        To report or seek advice about problems you have
 But who was Thomas, and what exactly does the Trust aim to do now?   experienced when dealing with a trader call 08454 040506.

 The Start   Dorset  Trading  Standards  are  working  in  partnership  with  the  England  Illegal
       Money Lending Team (IMLT) to warn residents about the dangers of loan sharks.
 Fred  Pitfield’s  researches  revealed  that  Thomas  belonged  to  a  branch  of  the
 Williams  family  based  at  Herringston,  south  of  Dorchester.  Thomas  had  been  in   Loan sharks are unregulated, often give cash loans without any paperwork and
 business at Morlaix in Brittany and returned to Shitterton House in 1688 where he   charge extortionate interest rates. They may offer what appears to be a quick-fix
 lived as a bachelor until his death in 1728. In the years 1690 and 1691 he was a   small loan, but in the long term, any money borrowed will come at a very high
 churchwarden.   price and may lead to violence, threats and intimidation.
 In  1719 he  established the original  Trust,  which brought  into existence the boys’   In most cases, victims are introduced
 school at Barrow Hill and provided for the education of a number of poor children      to the lender either through a friend,
 from the Parish. In the County  Archives we can see a hand written extract from   family  member  or  work  colleague.
 the Charity Commissioners’ Report made in 1835, which details the 1719 Trust -   Borrowers believe the loan shark is just
                                             doing  them  a  favour,  helping  them
 “By  Indenture  of  Lease  and  Release  bearing  dates  28   &  29   September  1719   out,  but  the  situation  can  turn  nasty
 Thomas Williams granted & released to John Williams, Denis Bond, & John Bond &   very  quickly  if  repayments  are  not
 John Wills Vicar of Bere Regis and their heirs, 7 acres of arable land in Bere Field, a   met.
 dwelling  house,  orchard  and  six  acres  of  pasture  ground,  lying  at  Rye  Hill  and
 dwelling  house  garden  and  orchard  with  two  grounds  containing  about  four   The  IMLT  is  a  dedicated  team  of
 acres; another house and garden and a cottage at Bugbarrow with half an acre   specialists working across the country
 of arable land in Bere Field. All the said premises being situate in the Parish of Bere   that  are  leading  the  fight  against
 Regis: also a common of pasture for 50 sheep and 10 cows appertaining to the   loan sharks. They have helped thousands of people escape the clutches of these
 said  premises  and  the tythes  of  hay  of  a certain  moor  on  the west  side of rush   criminals  and  wiped out nearly  £90million worth  of illegal  debt. They   provide  a
 Mead  in  the  said  parish  Upon  Trust  to  apply  the  rents  and  profits  thereof  to   confidential  helpline  service  for  people  affected  by  illegal  lending  as  well  as
 teaching  and  clothing  six  poor  children  of  the  parish  of  Bere  Regis  as  many  of   information and guidance on how to spot the signs and report the crime.
 them as conveniently might be of the tything of Shitterton to be appointed by the
 Trustees.  And  the  said  donor  directed  that  none  of  the  said  children  should  be   It is believed that over a million people in England are currently borrowing from
 under the age of seven, nor above fourteen: that they should be taught to read,   loan  sharks.  Borrowers  are not  in  any  trouble  for  accepting  a  loan  from  a  loan
 and to write and to account and also the Church Catechism which they should   shark, it is the lender that has committed a criminal offence.
 answer in the Church when required; and that  all , or as many  as conveniently   If you are concerned about the activities of an illegal money lender and would
 might  be should be boys.”   like more information, support and advice please call the IMLT helpline on 0300
 Members of the Williams and Bond families have continued to be associated with   555 2222 or visit Live chat is available on the website
 the Trust over the centuries, and two serve today as Trustees. Likewise, the vicar of   between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday.
 the time has always been a Trustee.
 The  lands  that  formed  the original  assets  of  the  Trust  included  a  house,  garden
 and orchard at Hollow Oak, to the west of the Bere Stream by Doddings. In 1719,

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