Page 39 - br-july-2022
P. 39

July 2022                                                                           July 2022


                                                 What  a  great  event!  –  now  it’s
                                                 over  I  am  sure  all  involved  can
                                                 only be pleased with the results, all
                                                 the   arrangements     looked
                                                 wonderful,  a  real  sense  of
                                                 achievement.  Also  many  visitors
                                                 left with happy memories.

       Although  no  future  events  are
       planned,  we  would  love  to
       welcome new arrangers to join us,
       ladies,  gents,  young  and  not  so
       young!  ….anyone  who  would  like
       to  be  creative.  With  a  basic
       knowledge,  arranging  flowers  can
       be  a  fulfilling  and  therapeutic
       activity,  especially  in  the  tranquil
       setting of our beautiful church.
       If  you  are  interested  to  work  with
       an  experienced  flower  arranger
       over  the  next  year,  they  will  be
       happy  to pass  on  their knowledge
       and experience.
       We  are  also  looking  to  run  a
       workshop with a view to producing
       arrangements  with  a  more
       environmental  leaning.  This  will include  arranging without  using floral foam,  and
       using  materials  with  a  smaller  carbon  footprint.  This  will  be  a  proactive  and
       exciting way of working with different materials.
       If   any   of   this   interests   you,   please   contact   Diane   Edmonds   on
       See  the  centre  pages  of  this  magazine  for  a  full  colour  ‘Pull  out  and  Keep’
       souvenir of all the Jubilee celebrations.

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