Page 23 - br-july-2022
P. 23

July 2022                                                                           July 2022

       Defence’s new Defence BattleLab is                                                                                       Paul               07788 185048

       located  at  Dorset  Council’s  Dorset                                                                                                      01929 289323
       Innovation  Park  (Winfrith  near  Wool)                                                                                 Martin
       and  brings  together  military                                                                                          Electrics
       personnel, academic institutions and
       private  sector  companies  to  trial                                                                                     Local BH20 electrician,  with over forty
       and  experiment  cutting-edge                                                                                             years’ experience offering:-
       technology.  It  is  a  multi-million-
       pound  facility  featuring  rentable                                                                                       Consumer Unit (fuse
       desks  and  office  spaces  for                                                                                             board) Replacement
       companies and organisations. It also                                                                                       Landlords’ Electrical
       boasts  an  engineering  workshop,                                                                                          Safety Certificate
       areas  for  collaboration  and                                                                                             Additions and
       conference rooms.   It  has 5G  mobile  connectivity,  ultra-fast  broadband  (and  a                                       Alterations to Existing
       direct train line to London). It marks a £5.7m collaboration between the Ministry of                                        Installations
       Defence  (MoD),  Dorset  Council,  and  Dorset  Local  Enterprise  Partnership                                             Portable Appliance
       (LEP).    Dorset  Council  contributing  £1.1m  of  the  land  value  and  running  its                                     Testing
                                                                                                                                  No VAT – Fully Insured
       The  Council  has  had  a  leading role in  the  Defence  BattleLab  project  since  the                                   Part P Compliant
       start  and  was  heavily  involved  in  promoting  the  Enterprise  Zone  for  inward                                      Free Estimates
       investment  as  part  of  its  Invest  in  Dorset  programme,  providing  guidance  and                                    All Work Guaranteed
       support throughout.

       Following  on  from  this  a  report  before  Cabinet  is  set  to  approve  funds  for  the
       delivery of ten new light industrial units. The report sets out the recommendation
       for Cabinet to agree and fund a future 4-year capital investment plan for DIP. It
       also  includes  the  construction  of  an  amenity  centre,  redevelopment  of  the
       existing  gatehouse,  development  of  a  further  two  medium  sized  light  industrial/
       office buildings (c600sqm each) and the purchase of adjoining land in order to
       expand the size of the park. We believe this will continue to generate significant
       economic benefits for the whole of Dorset and for the local community.

       Dorset Council awards £90,000 to support food schemes in
       the county
       In a bid to support residents with rising living costs, Dorset Council has awarded
       £90K  from  the  Government’s  2021  Household  Support  Fund  to  various  food
       schemes over the last five months.
       20  food  projects  –  ranging  from  foodbanks  to  social  supermarkets  –  received
       dedicated funding as  part  of  the Governments’  plan to help those with  limited
       disposable income across the winter period. The funding has enabled community
       groups and charities to continue to supply food and essential items to residents.
       More information is available for residents who struggle with access to food on the
       council website

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