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July 2022                                                                           July 2022

       refugees  and  their  host  families.  It  was  absolutely  brilliant  to  see  English  and   The visit had been arranged by Irish national demonstrator Christopher White who
       Ukrainian children  playing together  -  they  may not  have a  common  language,   was a great friend of the president’s head gardener, Robert.  A mad dash across
       but  a  tennis  ball,  or  box  of  lego  brought  them  together.  I  know  we  now  have   Dublin in two cars got us to Phoenix Park with minutes to spare.  We were escorted
       many Ukrainians living in the community, and it was lovely to hear from them and    in to the state reception room and given coffee and delicious canapes whilst we
       their hosts about the warm welcome they have received - with offers of furniture,   chatted  to  members  of  the  president’s  staff  including  Laura  who  did  all  the
       toys, clothes, language support and jobs with local businesses.                     flowers for the house.
       If  you  need  to  get  in  touch,  you  can  contact  me  via  email               Then the doors opened and in came the president and his wife Sabina.  The met  or  call  my  office  on                        and welcomed each of us individually and posed for a group photograph with us
       01202 624216. I send out a regular email update – you can sign                      all,  spending  about  an  hour  with  us.    We  received  such  a  warm  and  genuine
       up  on  my  website  where  you                        welcome from them both.
       can  also  find  links  to  what  I’ve  been  doing  locally  and  in
       Parliament  &  information  such  as  updates  &  energy  price                     We then toured the gardens for two hours with head gardener Robert.
       advice.                                                                             It was a day we shall always remember.

                                                                                                                                                      Diana Holman

                                                                                            BERE REGIS

          Michael Tomlinson MP                                                             SURGERY NEWS
          holds regular surgeries
         in the constituency.  For     01202 624216                                        Mask wearing in the GP Surgery
          details of forthcoming                             We  have  been  notified  by  NHS  England
         surgeries or to make an                                                            that mask wearing guidelines are changing.
           appointment, please          @Michael4MDNP                                       Our interpretation is as follows:
            contact his office.
                                                                                            Reception/admin  staff  will  have  the  choice  whether  to  wear  a  mask  in  the
                                                                                            Reception  office.  There  is  the  safety  screen  at  the  front  desk  so  you  may  be
                                                                                            greeted by a Receptionist not wearing a mask.

                                                                                            Staff consulting with patients face to face will generally continue to wear a face
                                                                                            All  staff will  continue to wear  a mask  when  walking through  the  Practice  when
                                                                                            patients are present.

                                                                                            Patients will be requested to wear a mask if presenting with covid or respiratory
                                                                                            symptoms or are clinically high risk.  Patients are welcome to continue wearing a
                                                                                            mask  if  they  feel  comfortable  doing  so  and  will  continue  to  be  offered  a  face
                                                                                            mask when booking in

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