Page 27 - br-july-2022
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July 2022                                                                           July 2022

                      BERE REGIS NEWS                                                       POETRY CORNER

       BERE REGIS PARISH COUNCIL                                                            Dignitas

                                                                                            When he stands, he can be four foot tall,
                                                                                            From the top of his head to the ground.
       Chairman:            07900 906278         His span can be up to three metres,
                                                                                            When he is up there, flying around.
                                                                                            In the Colca del Canon,
       Vice       Bryan     07969 770890                 The most remarkable of things,
       Chairman:  Benjafield                                                                Is when the sacred bird of the Incas,   When it’s no longer worth the effort,
                                                                                            Spreads his magnificent wings.        Without the presence of his mate,
       Parish     Amanda    07855 396073
       Clerk:     Crocker                                                                   He has prowess and renown,            He is not known to shrink,
                                                                                            From the moment of his birth.         And he does not hesitate.
                                                                                                                                  The sacred bird of the Incas,
       Websites:               He is to be admired,                  Spreads his magnificent wings,
                                                                                            For his role on mother Earth.
                                                                                            There is no low regard for one,       And ploughs into the mountainside,
                                                                                            Who takes his place with kings.       For the freedom, which it brings.
       The Parish Council met on Thursday 9  June 2022 in the Drax Hall. One member of      When the sacred bird of the Incas,                 Paul J Openshaw 2017
       the  public  was  present,  together  with  Judy  Newton,  the  Jubilee  Celebrations
       planning co-ordinator. The next meeting will be held on Thursday 14  July 2022.      Spreads his magnificent wings.
       Members of the press and public are welcome and there is a period for public
       participation  at  the  start.  If  you  are  unable  to  attend  but  wish  to  submit  a
       comment  or  question,  please  contact  the  Clerk  or  any  member  of  the  Parish

       Jim Parsons

       The  meeting  began  on  a sad note  with a  minute’s quiet  reflection  to  mark the
       passing of Jim Parsons. Jim had sat on the Parish
       Council for many years as both a Councillor and
       Chairman.  He  will  be  sadly  missed,  and  our
       thoughts are with his family.

       Platinum Jubilee events

       Judy  Newton  gave  a  report  of  the  weekend,  a
       full  copy  of  which  can  be  found  on  the  Parish
       Council web site, attached to the June minutes.
       We would like to reiterate our grateful thanks to
       Judy  Newton  for  all  the  time and effort  she  put
       into co-ordinating the various community groups
       who  were  involved  in  the  events  over  the  four

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