Page 20 - br-july-2022
P. 20

July 2022                              July 2022


        Over  the  extended  Jubilee  bank  holiday  in  June  it
 After two years of waiting, three     was great to be able to meet and chat to so many
 ex-Kingsbere  Explorers,  Jordan   people  whilst  out  and  about  in  the  constituency.    I
 Hobbs,   Will   Rogers   and   want  to  thank  everyone  who  was  involved  in
 Cameron Findler, as well as their   organising  Jubilee  events,  bringing  so  many  people
 respective  mothers,  had  the   together.  From  beacons  to  concerts,  special  church
 chance   to   celebrate   the   services, festival exhibitions, picnics and street parties
 completion  of  their  Gold  Duke   – what a fantastic way to pay tribute to a lifetime of
 of Edinburgh Award.   service from Her Majesty the Queen.
 The  celebration  took  place  in   Wimborne  was  the  only  town  in  England  to  have  a
 the   Buckingham   Palace   militia  giving  a  21-gun  salute!  I  was  also  delighted  to  meet  7-year-old  Olivia
 Gardens  and  was  hosted  by   Lansley in Canford Heath. She is aiming to swim 70 lengths representing 70 years
 Prince  Edward,  Earl  of  Wessex.   of Her Majesty’s reign, to raise money for the Royal British Legion. You can find a
 The Prince lead the celebrations   link to donate on my website.
 from   the   rear   terrace
        After one of the local events, I volunteered alongside the Scouts to collect litter.
        It was a pleasant surprise to find that very little had been left, with most people
 accompanied by DofE ambassadors James   tidying up after themselves.  Littering and fly-tipping is a pet hate of mine, so I’m
 and  Oliver  Phelps  as  well  as  other  notable   pleased that the government is cracking down on waste crime. This is estimated
 DofE alumni.    to  cost  the  economy  an  astonishing  £924m  per  year  in  England.  In  the  last  six
                                              months we have announced that we
 After  the  speeches,  we  were  able  to  take   are  reforming  the  licensing  system,
 the  opportunity  to  explore  the  beautiful      introducing  mandatory  digital  waste
 palace  gardens.  Spread  throughout  the    tracking,  investing  to  tackle  fly-
 gardens  were  other  guest  speakers  which   tipping  and  supporting  people  to
 covered  the  topics  of  adventure,  alumni   dispose of their waste correctly.  We
 and careers.                                 are consulting on changes to ensure
 Soon after, came our scheduled time at the   that  householders  can  dispose  of
 official tea tent for a much needed cup of   household  DIY  waste  without  being
 tea and  some cakes. Sitting  down  listening   charged,  to  reduce  fly-tipping.  You
 to  the  military  bands  in  the  sunshine  with   can  contribute  your  views  here:
 cake  in  hand  is  certainly  a  better  way  to
 spend  a  May  afternoon  than  stomping     and-recycling/consultation-on-diy-
 through a bog in Dartmoor!                   waste-and-call-for-evidence/
        Of course, some litter is unseen, and I’m pleased that we have already banned
        microbeads in toiletries like shower gel; plastic straws, stirrers and cotton buds. All
        retailers  now  have  to  charge  for  plastic  bags,  and  we  have  consulted  on
        banning  single  use  plastic  cutlery  &  plates.  We  are  also  looking  at  a  deposit
        return scheme for drinks containers.

        Over  the  June  recess  I  also  had  the  chance  to  meet  some  of  our  newest
        residents  when  I  hosted  a  coffee  morning  with  Cllr  Sean  Gabriel,  for  Ukrainian

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