Page 41 - BR July 2024
P. 41

July  2024                             July 2024

 INTERESTING LIVES      ‘picked’ from the shelf and checked to ensure it is matches the details on
             the  FP10,  that  it  is  in  date  and  is  the  correct  formulation  (tablet/liquid/
             capsule  etc).  The  medicines  then  have  the  appropriate  labels  attached
 One of the more memorable occasions since we   and are put into a basket with the prescription slip for their 2  check. If a
 moved to the old mill at Briantspuddle was held   particular medication is unavailable then this is either marked as ‘owing’ for
 one evening at the Village Hall. Singer-songwriter   issue at a later date or if it is out of stock from our suppliers (an increasingly
 and  actor  Tim  Laycock  presented  ‘The  Year   common problem) a message is left for the Dr or Pharmacist to consider an
 Clock’,  his  one-man  dramatic  and  musical   alternative  strength/formulation  or  even  an  equivalent  but  different
 celebration  of  the  life  and  poetry  of  William   medicine.
 Barnes.  It  was  a  powerful  introduction  to  the
 poet’s positive appreciation of the county.  For a   5.   Once the medication has been checked for a second time by a dispenser
 couple  of  hours  the  audience,  aided  by  the   to ensure the correct medication has been ‘picked’, labelled and added
 sound  of  a  slow  ticking  clock,  was  gently   to the basket it is countersigned and placed into a bag and then onto a
 transported back to a slower age. In Barnes’ more thoughtful time, the county’s   numbered  shelf  ready  for  collection.  The  prescription  slip  is  filed
 rhythm was determined more by the seasons than the clock.     alphabetically  with  details  of  which  shelf  the  medication  is  located  and
             added  to  a  list  for  the  reception  team  to  contact  via  text  message  to
 I am privileged to have a 21  century sense of that contrast as my wife Julia, and I   inform that it is ready for collection.
 divide our time between the manic pace of London and the welcome peace of
 Dorset.    This  is  a  county  we  know  well  as  Julia’s  ancestors  hail  from  Portland,   6.   When a patient comes to collect their medication having received a text
 Mappowder and Turnworth, not forgetting that her family have lived opposite the   message their  details  are  checked, their  prescription  slip found, and  their
 Village Hall for the best part of a century!    medication located on the shelf and handed out.
 One  day,  in  my  capacity  as  His  Majesty’s  Lord-Lieutenant  of  Greater  London, I   As you can see this process is quite labour intensive with numerous ‘checks’ along
 might find myself ‘in full fig’ attending The King and Queen at an official function,   the way to ensure the right medications are given to the right patients with the
 and  the next  in a  deck  chair in  our garden watching trout  leaping  to catch a   correct directions on them. This is why it takes a minimum of 3 WORKING days to
 mayfly that has carelessly flown too close to the River Piddle’s surface!   process a repeat medication request.
 Or perhaps, as High Bailiff (and Searcher of the Sanctuary) of Westminster Abbey,   Currently we dispense around 7000 items a month which is around 1750 items a
 I might be standing one morning by the Great West Door of that most remarkable   week  or  350  items  a  day!  You  can  understand  that  along  with  dealing  with
 repository of our Nation’s history, and that evening breathing in the Dorset air as I   dispensary  queries,  ordering  stock,  managing  our  controlled  drug  register  and
 step off the train at Wool station.   tracking down alternatives for out of stock medication that even a minor problem
       such as a member of staff being sick or a bank holiday can have quite a large
 The $64,000 question is how did a native of Nottingham, born just six years after   knock on effect on the speed and safety at which we can process prescriptions.
 the end of WWII to an English mother (abandoned by her Nigerian husband) end
 up splitting his time between a house in the capital and an 18  century cottage   We are looking at the use of technology to try and streamline the above process.
 in the picturesque parish of Affpuddle and Turnerspuddle?   We are hoping we are able to put changes in place over the next few months to
       improve our efficiency and safety. In the meantime there are a number of things
 And the answer is – by a circuitous route and aided by a great deal of luck.   A   patients can do to help us to keep everything running as smoothly as possible.
 reminder of how fortunate we are to live in this country where so much is possible.
       1.    Only  order  what you  need rather  than simply  ‘ticking  every  box’  on  your
 My good fortune starts, of course, with a mother’s love.  Although we were pretty   repeat list as this avoids not only extra work for our dispensers but prevents
 poor (no TV, phone, fridge or indoor toilet!) I was blissfully unaware of the need to   medication being wasted
 feel sorry for myself and enjoyed a kind of boyhood which had more in common
 with  Richmal  Compton’s  Just  William  than  with  Dicken’s  Oliver  Twist!  My  friends   2.   Remember  that  it  takes  a  minimum  of  3  WORKING  days  to  process  a
 and I played on the local bomb site, swapped tales from the Dandy and Beano   prescription  (e.g  Monday-Friday).  Therefore  if  a  repeat  is  requested  on  a
 and eagerly awaited the annual arrivals of Billy Smart’s Circus and Goose Fair.   Friday the earliest it will be ready is the following Wednesday as our team
             do not work at weekends.

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