Page 37 - BR July 2024
P. 37

July  2024                             July 2024
 determinant of its core moral values.  The way in which the seemingly intractable   DORSET TRADING STANDARDS
 problem  of  homelessness  is  dealt  with  in  the  UK  is  a  positive  indicator  of  those
 values.  Over the years I have also served on the Boards of an NHS Trust, London’s
 largest Housing Association, Peabody Trust, and one the country’s largest welfare-  Dorset County Council Trading Standards Service check and
 to-work  charities,  Shaw  Trust.    Those  roles  (and  others)  have  given  me  deep   approve businesses so you don’t have to.
 insights into the struggles of so many people whose lives share many parallels with   For more information visit or
 my  own  early  years.    More  importantly,  I  am  proud  to  have  been  able  to   call 08454 040506.
 contribute to improving things for some.
        To report or seek advice about problems you have
 One role of which I am especially proud is my three years as a founding member   experienced when dealing with a trader call 08454 040506.
 of the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA) – the body charged
 by  Parliament  with  ensuring  that  the  expenses  scandal  uncovered  by  the  Daily   Stopping fly-tipping together
 Telegraph in 2009 could never happen again.  Not only were we successful (you
 no longer hear of  Westminster MPs abusing the expenses policies) but I am told   Trading Standards investigate doorstep crime and rogue trading. Rogue traders
 that the UK has become other countries’ go-to source for advice on the topic.   often  don’t  have  the  necessary  permissions  to  allow  them  to  transport  waste
        produced from their work. This means  they are also more likely to illegally fly-tip
 From  time  to  time,  I  feel  the  need  to  pinch  myself  as  yet  another  remarkable   building  and  garden  waste  somewhere,  leading  to  a  costly  clean-up  for  other
 chapter in life’s  adventure opens  up.   One  such was  the  decision by  the Dean   people, or for other Council services.
 and Chapter of Westminster  Abbey to invite me to become the High Bailiff and
 Searcher  of  the  Sanctuary.    This  ancient  position  dates  back  to  medieval  times   In the 12 months from April there were over 1700 reports of illegal fly-tips in Dorset,
 when the Abbey ran the City of Westminster.  The two jobs (now combined) were   of which almost 800 were household related.
        If you produce waste, at home or from a business, you have a legal responsibility
        to ensure it is disposed of legally and safely. This means making sure anyone who
                                                              is  handling  your
                                                              waste is licensed to
                                                              do so. It is vital that
                                                              you  take  steps  to
                                                              check  that  your
                                                              rubbish   will   be
                                                              d i s p o s e d    o f
                                                              correctly  and  that
                                                              you  are  confident
                                                              you  know  where  it
                                                              will end up.
                                                              Did  you  know  that
                                                              as  a  householder
                                                              you can be liable if
        your  waste  is  later  fly-tipped?  Dorset  Council  Environmental  Enforcement  Team
        investigate  fly-tipping  to  identify  the  waste  carrier  and  the  place  the  waste
        originated from.
        The  Household  Waste  Duty  of  Care  Regulations  2005  are  not  there  to  scare
        people, but to serve as a tool in the constant battle to eliminate fly-tipping and
        environmental crime. Put simply, if people don’t pay illegal operators to take their
        waste, the illegal operator won’t be able to fly-tip it.

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