Page 38 - BR July 2024
P. 38

July  2024                                                                           July 2024

       Steps  you  can  take  to  protect  yourself  include  asking  for  the  business’  waste   my  business  career.    After  a  stint  in  London,  the  family  (by  now  we  had  two
       carrier licence number, don’t pay cash and ask for a receipt or Waste Transfer      wonderful daughters) moved to Massachusetts where, at the company’s HQ just
       Note. If they can’t provide it, or aren’t registered, then look for someone else. You   outside Boston, I had the joy of running the US marketing department.  I say ‘joy’
       can  check if someone  is  registered  first  using  the  Environment  Agency’s  public   because after a career where I had been required to dance to tunes emanating
       register       from  America,  suddenly  I  got  to  write  the  score!    Things  went  well  and  I  was
       carriers-brokers or, by calling the Environment Agency on 03708 506 506.            promoted to head our Europe, Africa and Middle Eastern business which led to a
                                                                                           couple of years living in Brussels.  The contrast between Wang and IBM couldn’t
       To be sure a trader works in a legal, honest and fair way, then think about using a   have been more stark – the pace of life at IBM was best described as ‘measured’.
       Buy With Confidence Trading Standards approved trader. Search for a Buy With        Whereas  Wang was  depicted  in the  definitive book about  its  history  as  “a non-
       Confidence  trader  near  you  at  or  by  phoning  the   stop  party  occasionally  interrupted  by  serious  bouts  of  work!”    Sadly,  the
       Citizens Advice consumer helpline on 0808 223 1133.                                 company’s  founder  and  Chairman,  Dr  An  Wang,  contracted  oesophageal
                                                                                           cancer and, after a short illness he passed away and with no one able to come
                                                                                           even close to filling his enormous shoes, Wang Labs went bust.
                                                                                           Julia, the girls and I moved back to London where I started a company of my own
                                                                                           – Interregnum.  This was a couple of years before the boom began and
                                                                                           Interregnum  found  a  niche  as  a  technology  merchant  bank,  advising  and
                                                                                           investing in young, high-potential IT businesses.  It was a success and we floated
          When you respond to advertisers, do please tell them you saw their               on the junior stock exchange (AIM) in 2000 just as the global tech market hit its
          advert in this magazine  -  it helps them monitor the effectiveness of           peak!    Although  I  retired  from  Interregnum  in  2006,  I  continue  to  lead  a  similar
                                                                                           business called Restoration Partners.  Today we have clients in the UK, USA, Turkey
             their advert and helps us generate more advertising revenue!!                 and ironically, Nigeria.
                                                                                           I say ironically as, having had no connection with my father or his other family for
                                                                                           much  of  my  life,  the  invitation  to  Chair  Nigeria’s  largest  e-payments  company
                                                                                           (Interswitch)  has  brought  me  into  contact  with  my  half-brother  and  a  host  of
                                                                                           people with the surname ‘Olisa’!  Indeed, a couple of years ago, some two dozen
                                                                                           of us met in Lagos for an uplifting but emotional reunion (if that is the correct term
                                                                                           for a first meeting!) which has led to new filial relationships.
                                                                                           In parallel with the path through education to employment, I have set aside time
                                                                                           for charities and public service.  My reasoning is that if I have been blessed with so
                                                                                           much luck – much of it the kindness of strangers – I owe to others to give back.
                                                                                           That being said, I find that the more I do for others, the luckier I seem to get!

                                                                                           My  principal  pro  bono  interest  is  social  mobility  –  helping  those  whose  tough
                                                                                           realities prevent their aspirations from matching their abilities.  Our country is full of
                                                                                           talented people who need help to realise their potential – a waste for them and
                                                                                           for our nation. The challenges of homelessness saw my first foray into the not-for-
                                                                                           profit field as a Trustee and Chairman of Thames Reach one of London’s largest
                                                                                           homeless  charities.    I  began  around  the  time  that  a  government  minister  was
                                                                                           reported as dismissing the homeless as people “over whom I tread on the way to
                                                                                           the opera”.  It’s hard to believe but in the 1990’s there was an encampment of
                                                                                           homeless people living in cardboard boxes in Lincoln Inn’s Fields.
                                                                                           We did much to solve the problem but sadly the problem has reared its ugly head
                                                                                           again.  I believe that the way a country helps the weak and vulnerable is a core

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