Page 40 - BR July 2024
P. 40

July  2024                                                                           July 2024

       BERE REGIS                                                                          My second stroke of luck was an excellent education.  I attended a classic British
                                                                                           primary  school  of  the  era  –  a  Victorian  building,  dedicated  teachers  and  free
       SURGERY NEWS                                                                        school milk turning to cheeses on the radiators.  The staff of Windley Junior School
                                                                                           instilled  a  life-long  respect  for  learning  and  set  me  up  to  pass  the  Eleven-Plus,
                                                                                           leading to a place at High Pavement Grammar School.  Its rather strange name
       We  are  aware  that  some  of  our                                                 came from the street on which stood a Unitarian Chapel which, around the time
       patients  have  recently  been                                                      that our Briantspuddle cottage was built,
       experiencing  problems  and  delays  in                                             formed a non-denominational school for
       receiving  their  medications  from  the                                            the  education  of  the  poor.    As  a
       dispensary  and  we  are  sorry  that  this                                         reminder of how our world has changed
       has been happening.                                                                 in my lifetime, during a recent visit to the
       The  two  Bank  Holidays  in  May  along  with  staff  sickness  has  meant  that  the   city  of  my  birth  I  discovered  that
       workload  has built  up  significantly  and  our  dispensing team  have been  working   although  the  chapel  is  still  there  –  it  has
       hard to process prescriptions in a safe and timely fashion but unfortunately there   become a Pitcher & Piano pub!  On that
       has  been  an  increase  in  the  time  it  has  taken  to  get  medication  ready  for  our   same visit down memory lane, I enjoyed
       patients.                                                                           renewing  my  acquaintance  with  what
                                                                                           must  count  as  one  of  the  most
       To address this backlog of work our dispensing team have been working overtime      embarrassing  typos  in  history.    Pity  the
       and have come in at weekends and we hope some planned changes to how the            fate  of  the  poor  stonemason  and  his
       dispensary is organised will lead to improved efficiency in the near future.        erroneously  chiselled  GOAL  on  the
                                                                                           entrance to the County Gaol!!
       To  help  patients  understand  why  it  takes  time  for  prescriptions  to  be  made  up
       below is an outline of the repeat medication dispensing process to give patients a   My  secondary  school  had  much  in
       better understanding of how long it takes to safely dispense medication.            common with Cutlers' Grammar School in
                                                                                           Alan Bennet’s play The History Boys.  We
       1.    Prescription  request  received  in  the  dispensary,  this  may  be  via  the  NHS   were blessed to be taught by passionate
             App,  hand  written  and  posted  through  the  letterbox  or  returning  the   teachers   determined   to   lift   the
             medication list from a previous prescription with the requested items ticked.   aspirations  and  abilities  of  their  mainly
             On average we receive 50 to 100 requests a day (considerably more on a        working-class   pupils.      By   way   of
             Monday or following a Bank Holiday) that need to be sorted and allocated      illustration, my first English master – Stanley Middleton – went on to win the Booker
             to the correct patient.
                                                                                           Prize for his novel ‘Holiday’.  And to this day, more than half a century later, I can
       2.    Once  the correct  patient  has  been  identified  the  medication  list  on  their   still hear him leaning over my shoulder and questioning my decisions when trying
             records is checked and the requested items selected. In some cases these      to precis a long paragraph into a short one!  (The attentive reader of this wordy
             items  may  need  to  be  reviewed  and  authorised  by  a  Dr  or  our  clinical   piece may struggle to believe that I learned anything from him at all!).
             Pharmacist  as  most  repeats  are  only  authorised for issuing for either a  set   The result of my teachers’ hard work was that, after a Gap Year working for IBM, I
             period of time or as a set number e.g 6 consecutive issues. This ensures that   went up to Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge.  At ‘Fitz’ I enjoyed the mind-expanding
             medications  are  regularly  monitored  by  the  Dr’s  to  ensure  they  are  still   experience  that  a  university  education  is  meant  to  provide.    I  made  life-long
             appropriate and safe to take.
                                                                                           friends  with  whom  I  learned  to  play  croquet,  tennis,  rowing,  coxing  and  horse
       3.    If  there  is  no  need  for  any  monitoring  blood  tests,  authorisation  of   riding.    I  was  elected  President  of  the  Junior  Common  Room  (a  sort  of  student
             medication or changes to the dose the labels which contain the directions     union leader) and found time to study Natural, Social, Political and Management
             for  the  medication  are  printed  along  with  the  prescription  slip  (called  an   Sciences,  graduating  (just)  in  1974  and  starting  a  career  with  IBM  as  a  Systems
             FP10) and bundled with all the other repeat medications that are due to be    Engineer.  I also met my future wife, Julia, at Cambridge and we were married in
             issued that day.                                                              1976 in the College Chapel.  Many years later, Julia and I showed our appreciation
                                                                                           for the part that Fitz had played in our success by contributing to the appeal for
       4.    These prescription slips are signed by the GP and the relevant medication is   the newly built library.

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