Page 96 - br-july-2020
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July 2020                                                                           July 2020
      DATES FOR                                                                               THE PARISHES of BERE REGIS and AFFPUDDLE

              YOUR DIARY                                                                                       with TURNERSPUDDLE

      2020                                                                                  Our Vision:                                              Our Mission:
                                                                                            To make Christ’s love                   To encourage awareness of the
       Key: FG-Floral Group, AL-Autumn Leaves, TA– Twinning, WI-Women’s                     known in the world today              presence of God through worship
       Institute, PiP-Pop in Place, GC-Gardening Club                                       and to live out his teaching                        music and the arts;

       15th   Salt and Pepper Club                                                                                                   To encourage everyone in the

                                                                                                                                    Christian faith through example,
                                                                                                                                       learning and spiritual growth;
       20th  Hillier Gardens, Romsey

                                                                                                                                   To make our churches open and
                                                                                                                                welcoming to all, and supportive of
       10th  Communibus  -  Street Shopping Village                                                                                                  those in need;

                                                                                                                                 To challenge injustice at home and
       10th  FG: Pauline Hurran:  It’s Beginning to Look a Bit Like Christmas,
            venue Tarrant Keyneston village hall                                                                                abroad and to balance our care for
                                                                                                                                                  the environment.
       11th  AL: Wash Day Blues by ‘the Button Lady’  -  Thelma Johns

       17th  Communibus  -  Street Shopping Village                                        A LETTER FROM YOUR ASSOCIATE PRIEST
       19th   Salt and Pepper                                                              One  of  the  things  that  I  enjoy  the
                                                                                           most  is  looking  at,  being  in  or
       20th  PiP  -  Children in Need, Lower Hall                   10.00-12.00            walking  by  the  sea.    There’s
                                                                                           something  about  the  pull  of  the
                                                                                           sea, and I don’t think we have any
       24th  Communibus  -  Winchester Christmas Market
                                                                                           ancient mariners in our family, that
            December                                                                       refreshes  and  inspires  me  and
                                                                                           leaves  me  ready  to  ‘fight  another
                                                                                           day’.    It  was  certainly  one  of  the
       8th   Communibus  -  Salisbury Christmas Market
                                                                                           attractions that led me to this post
                                                                                           and  living  in  Bere  Regis.    I’m
       9th   AL: Christmas AFternoon                                                       pleased to say that it seems Zinnie
                                                                                           also enjoys walking by the sea, she
       10th  PiP  -  Christmas Show                                 6.00pm                 actually  managed  a  paddle  down  at  Ringsted  Bay  last  week  with  no
                                                                                           encouragement from me – a major step forward.  We have now found the lovely
       11th  PiP  -  Christmas Show                                 7.00pm                 big National Trust car park at the top of the cliffs and if you get there reasonably
                                                                                           early in the morning it’s not too busy.  When we walked down to the beach, we
       12th  PiP  -  Christmas Show                                 2.00pm                 had  it  almost  to  ourselves  –  after  seeing  the  pictures of  the  crowds  at  Lulworth
                                                                                           and Durdle Door a couple of weekends before I felt very blessed.  This week we
       18th  PiP  -  Carols and Mince Pies                          10.00-12.00

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