Page 15 - br-July-2018
P. 15

July 2018                              July 2018

 This happened over an extended period whilst I was on both the Parish Council
 and the V Hall Committee,  and  eventually the Social Club Committee also as a      OBITUARIES
 gesture of friendship and goodwill. Planning permission was finally approved, and
 I left the committee once more. Peter Talbot as the new chair, Philippa Thornily as   Mum was also a member of the WI and the Mothers Union, and gave
 treasurer and the committee worked tirelessly planning applying for grants taking   her wholehearted support to these institutions too.
 quotes, giving out contracts etc.  They saw the plan through to fruition giving us
 the lovely Hall we have today.   In 1967 Mum decided she would return to work and initially worked at  Astron
        Birds at Sterte, Poole working on PCB’s.   We were all still at School so when we
 I eventually resigned the Chair of the Parish Council also, feeling that I had done   got home in the evening – which was before Mum and Dad got home, Nanny
 my bit for the place of which I had grown so very fond.   and Grandad Day (who lived by now at No. 1 Shitterton) would “baby-sit” us
 This is a precis of the history of the Village Hall and latterly my involvement with it.   and give us our tea until Mum was home.   Mum worked here for about 7 years
 The  reality  is  of  course  much  more  extensive  and  complicated  as  you  can   before joining Dad, Lesley and Maggie at Hamworthy Engineering Ltd, where
 imagine.   she was an expeditor until she  was made redundant at the age of 59 years –
        just shy of having completed 21 years service and therefore missing out on her
 So now here I am, yet again, giving a chairs report, and it doesn’t get any easier.   gold watch.
 At  the  last  AGM  I  was  able  to  report  how  our  small  committee  and  wonderful   What next for Mum she did not know.  Dad had already retired by this time and
 community had pulled together to stage a fabulous Open Garden Event. What a   Mum did wonder how they would cope being in each others company 24/7.
 lot of stress that was but this year has been a lot more steady and predictable,   As it turned out Dad had his model aircraft  - which he built - and would often
 with our regular hirers carrying on enjoying our superb facilities as well as a fair   be off up the fields with his pal Eric flying them, whilst Mum contented herself
 number of occasional hirings. Basically we try to cover day to day expenses from   with  her  home  and  garden.    Mum  was  always  happiest  at  home.    Several
 regular  and  occasional  hirings  and  profits  from  Hall  arranged  events  goes   holidays followed not least to South Africa to see the growing family which Jan
 towards capital projects and I hope you’ll agree we’re doing ok.   was producing – ultimately going two better than Mum by having six boys of
        her own – and a shared interest of Bowling.  Incidentally, Mum was very much
  The Hall committee have hosted and organised various other events from that   better than Dad at this, despite the fact that Dad would often tell Mum where
 time,  such  as  the  Burns  Night  celebration,  The  Purbeck  Film  Festival,  Artsreach
 performances,  The  Xmas  Fair,  Xmas  Lights  Competition  and  New  Years’  Party,   she was going wrong.
 some made profits to add to funds and others simply provided entertainment for   Mum remained in relatively good health, despite what life threw at her and it is
 residents.   a shame that after Dad died it became apparent that despite dealing with all
        things  physical  that  she  endured  with  her  health  it  would  be  the  cruellest  of
 Our hirings include Pilates, Keep Fit, Briantspuddle Singers, Short Mat Bowls, Coffee   illness’s  which  no  matter  how  stoic  Mum  was,  she  would  have  no  chance of
 Shop, Talks, Lets Lunch, Skittles, Village Hall Lunch as well as Parties, Celebrations   overcoming.
 and Wakes.
        In  2014  Mum  was  diagnosed  with  Alzheimer’s  and  for  the  last  four  years  has
 As any Village Hall representative will tell you that catered events are a mainstay   steadily declined until May this year when she was hospitalised and for which
 of hirings, the offer of food is one of the things guaranteed to get people off the   Mum never came home.
 sofa  and  into  the  Hall.  Fortunately  we  have  a  lovely  kitchen  and  a  number  of
 excellent  cooks  and  helpers  here  in  Briantspuddle  who  willingly  assist  with  their   We have to thank Rowan and Jo of Bettercare At Home and their lovely ladies
 expertise when asked.   for all their care and support, ensuring Mum was able
        to remain at home for as long as possible.
 There are many other supporters who help by organising events to boost funds,
 and yet more who offer assistance with repairs and maintenance. You know who   We  would also like to thank Bere Regis Surgery for all
 you are and my thanks go out to you all for your kindness and community spirit.   their care and support not only given to Mum but also
        their  support  given  to  Lesley  and  Maggie  so  helping
 Obviously  there  are  items  which  need  updating,  repairing  and  replacing  from   them to care for Mum at home.
 time  to  time.  Allan  here  has  manfully  taken  charge  of  most  technical  aspects
 whilst being thoroughly advised by the rest of the committee and volunteers.   And  finally  our  biggest  thanks  must  go  to  Audrey
        Painter and Jean Gibb, who both over these past few

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