Page 53 - br-jan-2020
P. 53

January 2020                         January 2020
 Dr  Seymour  said  the  Wise  Men  were  probably  astronomers.    Jupiter  was  the
 planet of Kings and Saturn the protector of the Jews.  “When our calendar was   Artificial  Christmas  trees,  and  trees  with  decorations  attached,  will  not  be
 revised in the Middle  Ages it is probable that some mistakes were made in the   collected.
 calculations.  The result is that we have been celebrating Christmas on the wrong   The council recognise that some people, like us, will be collecting trees for charity.
 date.” He said it was “pleasing from a scientific view” to explain the miraculous,   So, to have us collect your tree, email or text your address to us with the comment
 but  that  he  would  continue  to  celebrate  Christmas  on  25  December  like   “I have put £xxx in the box at XXX. Please collect our tree.”
 everyone else.  The then administrator of Plymouth’s Catholic Cathedral said, “This
 confirms scientifically what we have been saying for two thousand years  – that   Happy Christmas from The ELM Branch. 07 419 312 517
 there was a star in the east to mark the birth of Christ!
 It is clear from the Bible that the shepherds would not have been out in the fields
 with their sheep if Jesus had been born in December.  Autumn is the time when
 Jews celebrate their Feast of Tabernacles, a time associated with the coming of
 their Messiah.  Therefore 15  September is a much more likely date for the birth of
  However the important thing to remember about His birth is that Jesus didn’t stay
 a  baby,  but  He  grew  into  manhood  and  became  a  teacher  and  performed
 many  miracles which confirmed that He was indeed the Son of God.   He then
 died on the cross, taking the punishment for wrong doing that was due to us, and
 then  rose  again  to  new  life.   If  we  believe in  Him  and  commit  our  lives  to  Him,
 asking forgiveness for all our wrong doing, then He will give us His new life here
 and now.   Why not take that step of commitment, it is the best start to a New
 Year that you can ever have.
 The members of the Congregational Church wish you all a Happy, Peaceful and
 God-Blessed New Year.           Flora & Fauna
                 by Margaret Chetham, Bob Gibbons & Lesley Haskins
 Joyce Healey
        Margaret will introduce this evening talk of plants, and animals. Bob is a wildlife

        expert and professional photographer. He will tell us about the wildlife of Dorset
 Just a Smile   woodlands and heathlands with the aid of his own stunning photographs.
 Chocs  Away!    The  Vicar  visited  an  old  lady  after  Christmas,  and  while  he  was   7:30 p.m. Friday 10  January 2020
 there he was offered a plate of nuts.  A few weeks later he visited again and was
 offered some nuts once more.  But he noted that she didn’t have one. “No”, she   Admission £3
 said, “People keep giving me chocolates, and I like the chocolate but I don’t like   Includes tea coffee biscuits. Wine is available at cost.
 the nuts, but I know that you do.”   Margaret will take us on a brief canter through 15 or so years of the parish

 A lady was very nervous about her appointment with the dentist.  Before leaving   wildlife newsletter – by all its contributors. Whilst much of the technical input
 home  she  sought  courage  by  reading  the  Bible  text  for  the  day  from  her   comes from Ian Cross, the beauty of the publication is the opportunity for all the
 calendar.  It was Psalm 81:10  “Open your mouth wide and I will fill it!”   village folk to tell and show what they have found living near them.
          A major part of our surroundings is undergoing restoration to woodland and
         heathland through the work of the Erica Trust. The Erica Trust takes its name
        from the Latin name for heathers, which also happens to be the middle name of
          Lesley Haskins, its founder and one of its trustees. Lesley will be on hand to
               relate Bob’s talk to the restoration works taking place around us.

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