Page 29 - br-jan-2020
P. 29

January 2020                         January 2020

 The Annual Cup of good cheer once again proved to be
 a  great  success  with  30  Rogs  and  3  guests  strolling  on
 what  has  become  the  spiritual  home  of  the  Rogs,
 Wareham Golf Club as an added bonus we were blessed
 with fairly good weather for the time of year.
 On arrival the new captain Neil (middlo) Middleditch and departing captain and
 now president Ian (spaldy) Spalding selected their players for the traditional Capt
 vs President golf match which is run on the Ryder cup Format.
 As with tradition the new captain and president led off the competition and the
 result of this match was a resounding victory for the President. However the rest of
 his  team  could  not  overcome  the  might  of  the  Captains  team  who  came  out
 victors with a score of 9.5 to 7.5

 Also on the day we ran our normal Stabelford comp and continuing his winning
 ways  the  highest  scorer  was  Ian  Spalding  on  a  very  good  score  of  40  points
 followed  Closely  by  Josh  (beef)  Eastwood  on  39  and  in  third  place  on  38  was
 Roger Johns
 Of our guests Alan Green topped the scores with 37 points
 There were 2 nearest the pins Phil Allen taking the honour on the 4th And that man
 again Ian Spalding on the 11th
 Nearest the pin in two was Dean (tiny) Merrit on the 18th
 Longest drive was Kris (mucker)Meehan on the 6th
 There were incredibly 6  two's on the day  Jim Corbin, Shaun Eastwood, Phil Allen
 Mark Teed and two for Tristan Gale
 Well done to everyone.
 After the prize giving for the day ROGS retired home to don their fineries to return
 for our evening celebration and more prize giving, it's not an easy job being the
 ROGS captain!
 The Wareham Golf Club  treated to an excellent meal which was then followed
 by our annual prize giving ceremony.

 Highlights as follows
 Highest individual score Shaun Eastwood with 42 points at Meyrick Park
 Summer Knock Out Winner was Tristan Gale

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