Page 63 - br-mag-jan2019
P. 63

January 2019                         January 2019
                 SMALL ADS
         TREE SURGEONS           Improve Strength,        Sharon Dobson
 2018 was a sad  year for Bere Regis Bell  Ringers with the   Felling/pruning/shredding/  Balance, Mobility   Handmade
 sudden loss of John England, for so many years our Tower   chipping/logging   and Health
 Captain.  One  of  our  experienced  ringers  has  moved   35 years experience,    Find out how I can help you
 away and two more have retired from regular duty after   City & Guilds qualified, fully   Join one of my exercise   transform the look of your
 many, many years of service. Thank you to Philippa Ward   insured,   classes in Wool, Winfrith,   home.
 and Bob Holman!    Tree Works Application on   Briantspuddle or   Bespoke handmade curtains
              your behalf                                 and alterations, Roman
 Now, most sadly, we are going to lose Felicity along with Charles at the end of   Mike and Emma Lucy Menzies   blinds, soft furnishings and
 January.  They  have  both  been  great  supporters  of  our  efforts  and  the  ringing   THE ELM BRANCH   Contact Elaine on   upholstery projects

 never  goes  better  than  when  Felicity  is  ringing  the  Treble  bell.  Our  loss  will  be   Tel: 01929 471263    01929 462916
 Devon’s gain. We wish them both well in their next adventure!   Mob: 07419312517    07960 459834
                Email:               07967 203581
 On the bright side, we have gained three new ringers this year – just in time! By the
 time  you  read  this,  we  hope  you  will  have  heard  us  “Ringing  out”  2018  and
 “Ringing  in”  2019  -  as  long  as  we  have  sufficient  sober  ringers  as  the  hour      Carpet Fitter   Computer
 approaches ……….   Drax Hall
                                       P J Bushby             Problems?
 If you would like to learn to ring and help contribute to local traditions such as   Available for hire for private
 “Ringing in the New Year” and “Ringing in the Bride” as well as our normal duties,   parties or for regular    All aspects of carpet and   Email & internet support
 please do come along and have a try. We will ‘show you the ropes’ and teach   meetings.    vinyl fitting undertaken.     Wireless networking setup
         Large hall and smaller room   Domestic or commercial.     PC and Laptop repairs
 you step by step and you will find that we are a very friendly bunch of both men   are both available.  The
 and women.                      Your own materials fitted or   Virus and malware removal
         latter especially suitable for   home selection if preferred.     No call-out charge
           children’s parties.  For    Helpful advice always
 Hope to see you soon!                                   Over 20 years’ experience
        details of hiring charges etc.    available.  The complete    Call Alan on :
                Adrian Standfield (Tower Captain), 01929 471 774       carpet and flooring service.   01929 480529
        Contact Hall Secretary - Lyn
               Simmonds                                       07710 835905
                                  01202 624684

    We  would  like  to  thank  all
 those  who  made  our  Bere   Slimming   Advertise here for only
 Regis Christmas Fayre such a   World
 very  happy  and  successful                £70 a year
 time  this  year,  either  by   Puddletown group
 running  a  stall  or  coming
 and  supporting  the  event.          The best form of local
 We  raised  £726,  which  was   Mondays at 7.30pm,
 very good considering it was   Puddletown First   advertising and a great way
 not   the   most   pleasant   School   of keeping your contact
 morning  weather-wise!  The
 School Hall proved again to   Call Julie   details handy every month.
 be  a  very  good  venue.   07871 821928

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